

AWS AI Services for R users

AWS AI Services for R users is a fun and short-lived workshop for experienced R users with no prior knowledge of AWS's AI Services, who want to add Deep Learning capabilities like image recognition, object detection, text translation or text-to-speech conversion to their R and Shiny applications. You don't need to have any Deep Learning experience to do all of this.

In all the examples we will utilize the fabulous paws package, an AWS SDK for R, created by David Kretch and Adam Banker. paws provides access to the full suite of AWS services from within R similar to what boto3, an AWS SDK for Python, does for Python users.

Workshop modules

Each workshop module consists of an R Notebook (.Rmd file) so that users can run and experiment with the code examples using their RStudio installation.

  1. Amazon Rekognition and R: You will learn how to use Amazon Rekognition's “text-in-image” and “face comparison” features from R. Following along it will be easy for you to apply your new knowledge for using other Rekognition features, like facial analysis or celebrity recognition, on your own.

  2. Combining several AWS AI Services: In the second module you will chain several AI Services together. You'll start by using Rekognition to extract text from an image. You will pass the text to Amazon Translate to translate it into a language of your choice. After that you will use Amazon Polly to generate an MP3 file of the translated text.

  3. Shiny and AWS AI Services: You will learn how quickly and easily you can add deep learning capabilities to your Shiny applications. We will deploy a Shiny application to shinyapps.io which makes calls to several AWS AI services. The Shiny application leverages the AWS API calls you already created and used in the second workshop module.

  4. Amazon Rekogniton Custom Labels and R: You will train our own custom object detection model using Rekognition Custom Labels to detect the Swoosh, Nike's famous logo that Carolyn Davidson designed in 1971. The workshop module comes with a preprocessed and labeled training dataset.


AWS Cloud

Local installations & configuration


Workshop installation & start

What's next?

You are interested in using other AWS AI/ML related services from R like Amazon SageMaker? Please find below additional resources that will help you on your journey:
