


A generalized semantic segmentation package for ROS that is agnostic to deep learning framework and model.

Three models are provided. All are extremely lightweight, fast models so they can be included inside the repo without asking you to download some zip file from DropBox. They are not the most accurate models. You can implement your own following the examples.

TensorFlow models

PyTorch models

To implement another model, you can follow these examples. You need to create a new directory under models and have a class called Model inside init.py that implements infer().

screenshot screenshot1

Try it

rosrun semantic_segmentation segmentation_node __ns:=/camera


When the node is initialized, it will set an additional ROS parameter semantic_categories as is defined in the chose model. This parameter can be read by other nodes to know which IDs correspond to which classes.




This is not intended to be used for production autonomous vehicles. This is provided "as-is" for educational purposes. I am not liable for any damage or injury that may result from the use of this software.