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PostgreSQL-ORM is an Object Relational Mapper (ORM) that compliments Simple. It knows how to map high-level operations to PostgreSQL flavored SQL for Haskell types that are instances of the Model type-class, as well as perform join operations on associations between Model instances.


Creating a Model in Haskell is easy. We simply declare a datatype using record syntax, include a field of type DBKey to hold the primary key and let Haskell Generics do the rest:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}


data Post = Post {
    postId :: DBKey
  , postTitle :: Text
  , postBody :: Text
  } deriving (Generic)

instance Model Post

Voila! Post is now an instance of Model that maps to a SQL table named "post". We can use post to talk to a database containing a table declaration like that matches:

  postId serial primary key,
  postTitle text NOT NULL,
  postBody text NOT NULL
<aside> `DBKey` is the only special in our model. It represents the primary key of a table. A `DBKey` is either an 64-bit integer or `NullKey`. Since PostgreSQL will generate the primary id for us, we'll use `NullKey` when creating a new `Post` that has not yet been stored in the database. </aside>


There are several high level functions that operate on Models:

findAll :: Model a => Connection -> IO [a]
findRow :: Model a => Connection -> DBKey -> IO a
save    :: Model a => Connection -> a -> IO a
destroy :: Model a => Connection -> a -> IO ()

Instances of the Model typeclass implement three methods:

class Model a where
  modelInfo  :: ModelInfo a
  modelRead  :: RowParser a
  modelWrite :: a -> [Action]

That is enough information for the library to implement a low-level typed-SQL API as well as high level operations like save, find a row by key and list all rows. It also allows PostgreSQL-ORM to provide typed model associations (join relations). There are subtleties though. As mentioned above, the implementations of modelInfo, modelRead and modelWrite are closely intertwined, and careless implementations will lead to bugs that cannot be dedected at compile time. However, for common cases, where a Model is a record, PostgreSQL-ORM (optionally) uses Haskell Generics to automate the instance definition. In such cases, the a model definition might look like:

data User = User {
    userId :: DBKey
  , userFirstName :: String
  , userLastName :: String
  , userAge :: Integer
  } deriving (Generic)

instance Model User

Such an instance maps the User Haskell data type to a SQL table called "user" with columns "userId", "userFirstName", "userLastName" and "userAge". Note that the Generic implementation of a modelInfo simply uses the contructor in lower case for the table name and the records as-is for the colum names. This makes modelInfo a convenient point of interposition customizing the naming policy. For example, table names can be customized by updating the modelTable field of defaultModelInfo:

instance Model User where
  modelInfo = defaultModelInfo
    { modelTable = "myprefix_user" }

Of course, this task can be standardized with combinators. The library comes with a combinator, underscoreModelInfo which discards a prefix of the column names and converts the remainder from camel-case to underscore notation (a common convention for naming in SQL).

Get involved!

We are happy to receive bug reports, fixes, documentation enhancements, and other improvements.

Please report bugs via the github issue tracker.

Master git repository:


GPL-3 license.