


Example of a basic working and deployable AWS Lambda function using Erlang.


The erllambda_example is an AWS Lambda function implemented using the erllambda application to implement the function using the Erlang language.

This project can be complied and deployed from your local checkout into an AWS account in which you have sufficient credentials, and executed. Instructions to do this can be found in Running this Project.


The erllambda_example application is built using rebar3.

Running this Project

Initially, just clone and build the project.

git clone https://github.com/alertlogic/erllambda_example.git
cd erllambda_example
rebar3 compile

Once build and all tests successfully pass, you can package the lambda function and deploy it.

Refer to rebar3_erllambda for details.

NOTE: this will use your default project located in your $HOME/.aws/credentials file. If you have not yet create this file, you likely have not setup the aws cli and should do so immediately.

Please see etc/erllambda-example.template to understand how the lambda function is deployed

How to contribute

Contributions to this repo are always welcome. If you have an idea for improving the this or related components, please submit a github issue, or simply submit a PR directly that implements your improvement.

For complex changes, or the introduction of a major feature, it is beneficial to discuss ideas before implementing them, so that your efforts can focus on pull requests that will be accepted more easily.

As you prepare your pull request, make sure that you follow the coding conventions that exist in the files, and always make sure that all unit and common tests run. Please ensure that your contribution always adds to the coverage percentage, and does not decrease it.

How to report defects

If you encounter an problem, or simply have a question about using this repo, please submit a github issue.

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