

<p align="center"> <img src="assets/logo.png" height="200" /> </p>



A suite of tools for NFT generative art.



Homebrew on Macos

brew install alephao/formulae/nftool

Using Go

go install github.com/alephao/nftool@latest

Or clone the repository, change to the root folder and run go install.


Download the binary from the releases page and move it to your bin path like /usr/local/bin.

Getting Started

To get started, install nftool following the instructions above and cd to the examples folder in this repo.

You can always use nftool help [command] to see all the documentatio and all the options of a command.

First generate the configuration file from the layers folders.

mkdir -p out
nftool traits dump --layers ./layers --out ./out/config.yaml

You can open config.yaml and play around with the rarity weights, and optional configuration.

Then generate a collection from the config.yaml

nftool traits make --amount 10 --config ./out/config.yaml --out ./out/collection.json

Now we can use the collection.json to generate the images. Run the following commands:

mkdir -p ./out/images
nftool img gen --width 300 --height 300 --collection ./out/collection.json --config ./out/config.yaml --out ./out/images

We can also generate rarity reports for traits (which trait is more rare and how many times it shows up) and the collection rarity rank.

# Generate traits rarity report
nftool rarity traits --collection ./out/collection.json --out ./out/traits_rarity.json

# Generate collection rarity rank report
nftool rarity collection --collection ./out/collection.json --out ./out/collection_rarity.json

To generate the provenance for this collection it's easy:

nftool provenance --images ./out/images --out ./out/provenance.json --startingIndex 2

Note: the startingIndex should be a number smaller than the total amount of items in the collection and it's usually generated on-chain.

Now we need to generate the actual metadata that we'll upload to IPFS (or another storage service).

	mkdir -p ./out/metadata
	# Generate ERC-721 metadata
	nftool metadata --collection ./out/collection.json --config ./out/config.yaml --out ./out/metadata

Note: if you want to generate the metadata following the erc-1155 convention for the id/file-name, add the flag --erc1155

Check out the output in ./out/metadata/1. If you want to change anything, you can do so by editing the values in ./out/config.yaml.


Link to the generated docs



To release a new version

git tag vx.x.x
git push origin vx.x.x
goreleaser release --rm-dist  


MIT © Aleph Retamal