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What's new in Pascal Formatter 2.9


Pascal Formatter is an open source extension created for Visual Studio Code. While being free and open source, if you find it useful, please consider supporting it

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Pascal Formatter

It adds Code Formatters for Pascal language and its dialects like Delphi and FreePascal.

This extension was originally extracted from my Pascal extension


Standardise your Pascal code!

It uses external tools (engines) to format the code, so you must install them prior to use the Format Document and Format Selection commands.

If you intend to format pieces of selected texts instead of the entire file, you should use FreePascal PToP, because the Jedi Code Format and Embarcadero Formatter only works for entire files.

Available settings

You can choose which formatter engine to use (required):

    "pascal.formatter.engine": "ptop"
    "pascal.formatter.enginePath": "C:\\FPC\\2.6.4\\bin\\i386-win32\\ptop.exe" 
    "pascal.formatter.engineParameters": "C:\\FPC\\2.6.4\\bin\\i386-win32\\default.cfg"

If you decide to use FreePascal PToP, you have two additional settings:

    "pascal.format.indent": 2 
    "pascal.format.wrapLineLength": 80

Available Commands

The extension seamlessly integrates with the Format Document and Format Selection commands Visual Studio Code.


There is also:


Special thanks to the people that have contributed to the project:


MIT © Alessandro Fragnani