

Third Bank

<img src="screenshots/screenshot1.png" alt="Screenshot 1" width="270" height="602"><img src="screenshots/screenshot2.png" alt="Screenshot 2" width="270" height="602"><img src="screenshots/screenshot3.png" alt="Screenshot 3" width="270" height="602">

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This app is powered by aldrinzigmund.com

What is Third Bank?

A free and open-source non-custodial Bitcoin wallet with a strong emphasis on simplicity and ease of use.



I developed this app after working for a smart TV manufacturer and receiving a lot of feedback from elderly customers who were having difficulty operating their smart TVs, which in my opinion are really far from being user-friendly. I believe we have transitioned from making technology user-friendly for everyone to focusing on aesthetics, often resulting in designs that appear impressive but can be overwhelming for others. This app is my attempt to create a Bitcoin wallet for those people.


You can contribute in various ways: by identifying and reporting issues, submitting pull requests on GitHub, or by showing support through a donation using the Bitcoin wallet address provided below.


Donate BTC to Support this App

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