

alchemist ⚗️

Introducing Alchemist Coin ⚗️

⚗️'s one and only purpose is to find the philosopher's stone and use it to explore the galaxy.

Can a meme coin help us achieve immortality?

Only one way to find out...


Facts 🧝🏽‍♀️

Usage 🧪

Long Term 🪐

u in ?


Voting: https://cast.alchemist.wtf/
Discord: http://discord.alchemist.wtf/
FAQ: https://docs.alchemist.wtf/
GitHub: https://github.com/alchemistcoin/crucible-frontend
Crucible/Aludel Rewards: https://crucible.alchemist.wtf
MistX FlashDEX: https://mistx.io/
Copper Fair Launch: https://copperlaunch.com/


The Crucible NFT and Aludel LP reward contracts are forks of Ampleforth's upcoming token geyser v2 and UniversalVault NFT contracts. This is a test in prod. Use at your own risk.

Alchemistalchemistcoin.ethERC20 token
Crucible NFTcrucible.alchemistcoin.ethcrucible nft contract
Aludel v1aludel.alchemistcoin.eth⚗️/WETH LP (Uniswap v2) reward program
Aludel v1.50x93c31fc68E613f9A89114f10B38F9fd2EA5de6BC⚗️/WETH LP (Uniswap v2) reward program
Multisigmultisig.alchemistcoin.ethcommunity multisig
UniswapV2Pairuniswap.alchemistcoin.eth⚗️/WETH uniswap pair
TransmuterV1transmuter.alchemistcoin.ethrouter contract for batched transactions
StreamV10x979e2FdE487534be3f8a41cD57f11EF9E71cDC1Ainflation streaming
StreamV20xebf421c83069143f3bd29A5C690Df97CC261E49cinflation streaming
Crucible Template0x18cc48140cFeC90CEF0035761D56d2d0ff3a110fcrucible nft template
PowerSwitchFactory0x89d2D92eaCE71977dD0b159062f8ec90EA64fc24factory contract
RewardPoolFactory0xF016fa84D5f3a252409a63b5cb89B555A0d27Ccffactory contract
mistX Tip Jarmistx.ethmistX tip jar
MistXRouter0xA58f22e0766B3764376c92915BA545d583c19DBcmistX transaction router

Check system status

Check Alchemist system status.

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] status

Mint Crucible and stake LP tokens in Aludel

See tutorial.

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] mint-and-lock --aludel <STRING> --amount <STRING> --crucible-factory <STRING> --transmuter <STRING>


  --aludel              Aludel reward contract
  --amount              Amount of staking tokens with decimals
  --crucible-factory    Crucible factory contract
  --transmuter          TransmuterV1 contract

Unstake LP tokens and claim reward from aludel

Note: use the --private flag to avoid frontrunning bots.

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] unstake-and-claim --aludel <STRING> --amount <STRING> --crucible <STRING> [--private] --recipient <STRING>


  --aludel      Aludel reward contract
  --amount      Amount of staking tokens with decimals
  --crucible    Crucible vault contract
  --private     Use taichi network to avoid frontrunners
  --recipient   Address to receive stake and reward

Withdraw ERC20 token from crucible

Usage: hardhat [GLOBAL OPTIONS] crucible-withdraw --amount <STRING> --crucible <STRING> --recipient <STRING> --token <STRING>


  --amount      Amount of staking tokens with decimals
  --crucible    Crucible vault contract
  --recipient   Address to receive stake and reward
  --token       Token contract