

NgxSignalify (for Angular)

To install: npm install ngx-signalify

Then, turn any Observable into a SignalState object with information about:

Example in your component Typescript code:

  import { signalify } from 'ngx-signalify'; 

  http = inject(HttpClient);
  comments = signalify(this.http.get(URL));

HTML template:

 @if(comments.loading()) {
      Loading comments...
 } @else {
    We have {{comments.data()?.length}} comments
 @if (comments.error()) {
      Something went wrong!

The SignalState object has 3 properties - loading, data, and error - all Angular signals:

export interface SignalState<T> {
  loading: Signal<boolean>;
  data: Signal<T | undefined>;
  error: Signal<Error | undefined>;

And that's it! You can signalify any Observable into a SignalState object.

Live example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ngx-signalify-demo