

Regularization of deep networks using the RKHS norm

This package provides a Pytorch implementation of various regularization methods for deep networks obtained via kernel methods, by approximating the RKHS norm of the prediction function for a well-chosen kernel. This is based on the following paper (see also this paper for theoretical background):

A. Bietti, G. Mialon, D. Chen, J. Mairal. A Kernel Perspective for Regularizing Deep Neural Networks. In ICML, 2019.

The regularization penalties and constraints are implemented in reg.py and spectral_norm.py, and example usage is provided, e.g., in the script main.py, which was used to obtain the results in the paper.

Examples for regularization on small datasets

||f||_delta^2 (adversarial perturbation lower bound penalty) with epsilon = 1.0, on cifar10 with 1000 examples, with data augmentation and a VGG-11 network

> python main.py --experiment cifar10small1000_vgg --reg_adv_perturbation_penalty --epsilon 1.0

||\nabla f||^2 (gradient lower bound penalty) with lambda = 0.1

> python main.py --experiment cifar10small1000_vgg --reg_gradient_penalty --lmbda 0.1

grad-l2 (gradient penalty on loss) with lambda = 0.1 + SN constraint with radius tau = 1.5

> python main.py --experiment cifar10small1000_vgg --reg_loss_gradl2 --lmbda 0.1 --reg_project_sn --tau 1.5

For other hyperparameters, some defaults are defined in experiment.py, but can also be given with options (e.g. --lr <lr> for learning rate, or --wd <wd> for weight decay) For example, for some weight decay on 5000 examples with ResNet-18:

> python main.py --experiment cifar10small5000_resnet --wd 5e-4

Example for robustness

PGD-l2 with epsilon = 2.0 + spectral norm constraint with radius tau = 0.8 on Cifar10 with data augmentation. The name robust_vgg is used to save the model for evaluating robustness later

> python main.py --experiment cifar10_vgg --name robust_vgg --reg_pgdl2 --epsilon 2.0 --reg_project_sn --tau 0.8 --kappa 50

Now, evaluate the robustness of the model:

> python compute_adv.py --experiment cifar10_vgg --name robust_vgg

For an l2 adversary with epsilon_test = 1.0, this model should give about 47.04% robust test accuracy for the default PGD attack, which is stronger than the one used in the paper (100 steps of PGD with step-size fixed to 0.5). The figure below shows standard vs robust accuracy trade-off curves for this stronger attack (corresponding to Figures 1 and 3 in the paper). The best reported accuracy we found is 39.9% in Rony et al. (2019), indicating that perhaps our model improves on the state-of-the art, though they are using a different attack, which may be stronger, and a different architecture. If you can further break our model, please drop me an email (here is the .pth file for the VGG model).
