

Posix programs in Elm

Write your tools and build scripts in Elm.

The Elm Architecture is nice when you are writing event driven applications and long running processes. However, I find it a bit cumbersome when you just want to do some simple scripts and tools.

This project lets you write monadic IO programs, similar to Haskell, and then compile them to a nodejs shell script.

For example

elm-cli make src/MyScript.elm my-script

will create an executable shell script that you can run with ./my-script.

This is still under development and will most likely change

Installation / Setup

You need elm, node and npm on your system.

Install the cli tool:

npm install -g @albertdahlin/elm-posix

Install Elm dependencies in your project

elm install albertdahlin/elm-posix
elm install elm/json


You can also run elm-cli without any arguments to get usage info.

Work in Progress

A proof of concept is implemented and testable (on Linux). There are still some things pending before publishing v1.0.

Some things to fix before publishing

IO effects to implement: