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Streaming iterables over window.postMessage

It provides the two parts of a duplex stream: a source stream and a sink stream that can be used together to stream data over window.postMessage.


npm install it-postmsg


To use it-postmsg you need two window objects. One of the window objects has the data, the other wants the data. Under the hood, it-postmsg uses postmsg-rpc. If you're not familiar with it, it's a good idea to read up on how it works before continuing!

In the first window (the one that has the data):

const PostMessage = require('it-postmsg')
const pipe = require('it-pipe')

  [/* your data */],
  PostMessage.sink('<stream ID>', {/* options passed to postmsg-rpc expose */})

In the second window (the one that wants the data):

const PostMessage = require('it-postmsg')
const pipe = require('it-pipe')

  PostMessage.source('<stream ID>', {/* options passed to postmsg-rpc caller */}),
  async function logSink (source) {
    for await (const chunk of source) {
  1. Window that has the data calls PostMessage.sink, which exposes a function called <stream ID>_next & returns a sink
  2. Window that wants the data calls PostMessage.source, which creates a caller function for "read" & returns a source
  3. In the window that wants the data, the pipe(...) pipeline starts the flow of data from the PostMessage.source stream
  4. When data is requested from the PostMessage.source stream, it calls the exposed <stream ID>_next function
  5. This causes the PostMessage.sink stream in the window that has the data to retrieve the next item from the data array and return it all the way back to logSink in the window that wants the data

See the example for complete code.


To build and run the example, run the following in your terminal:

git clone https://github.com/alanshaw/it-postmsg.git
cd it-postmsg
npm install
npm run example

Then open your browser at http://localhost:3000


PostMessage.sink(id, options)

Creates a new sink for writing data over postMessage.

PostMessage.source(id, options)

Creates a new source for reading data over postMessage.


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.


MIT © Alan Shaw