CircuitPython Driver for TEA5767 FM Radio Module
This driver is the CircuitPython port of the MicroPython version with essentially the same interface. See the MicroPython docs for instruction details.
This driver has been tested on Adafruit ItsyBitsy M0, Adafruit Metro M4 and RPi Pico running CircuitPython 7.2.5
Import and Initialize
Copy either
or TEA5767.mpy
(recommended) into the lib
directory of your device drive.
To import and initialize the module:
import busio, board
from TEA5767 import Radio
i2c = busio.I2C(scl=board.SCL, sda=board.SDA, frequency=400000)
radio = Radio(i2c)
# or
radio = Radio(i2c, freq=106.7)
print(f'Frequency: FM {radio.frequency}')
print(f'Ready: {radio.is_ready}')
print(f'Stereo: {radio.is_stereo}')
print(f'DC level: {radio.signal_adc_level}')
Change the pins since some boards may not have
-named pins.
A Simplified CircuitPython Version Without Using This Driver
This is the same one as in the MicroPython docs but use the CircuitPython I2C object instead:
import busio, board
i2c = busio.I2C(scl=board.SCL, sda=board.SDA, frequency=400000)
def radio_frequency(freq):
freqB = 4 * (freq * 1000000 + 225000) / 32768
while not i2c.try_lock():
i2c.writeto(0x60, bytearray([int(freqB) >> 8, int(freqB) & 0XFF, 0X90, 0X1E, 0X00]))