

πŸŽ„ Advent of CodeπŸŽ„



Advent of Code is an annual Advent calendar of programming puzzles. This repository houses my solutions to these festive coding challenges, bringing together a collection of creative and efficient approaches to tackle each problem.

About Advent of Code

Advent of Code is not just about solving puzzles; it's a celebration of problem-solving, creativity, and community spirit. Each day in December, a new coding challenge is revealed, covering a range of algorithmic and programming concepts. It's an opportunity for programmers of all skill levels to come together, learn, and share their solutions.

Repository Structure

Advent of Code
|-- year
|   |-- day1
|   |   |--  intput.txt
|   |   |--  part1.py
|   |   |--  part2.py
|   |-- day2


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone https://github.com/alanjaouen/advent-of-code.git
    cd advent-of-code
  2. Navigate to the Desired Day's Solution:

    cd Year/Day
  3. Run the Code:

    python Day.Part.py


Special thanks to Advent of Code for providing these engaging challenges and fostering a vibrant coding community.


Let's connect and discuss our solutions! Reach out from my Github profile.

Happy Coding! πŸš€