


Generate your documentation from bulky README.md files

<p align="center"> <a href="https://alandefreitas.github.io/mdsplit/"> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/nolan/2x/split-files.png"> </a> </p> <br/>

Github is full of mid-sized projects that help us solve specific tasks. Authors tend to document these repositories with beautiful README.md files and some auxiliary documents.

mdsplit is a tool that splits these bulky README.md files into smaller files in a way compatible with GitHub Pages + GitHub Actions + MkDocs. GitHub Actions will then regenerate the documentation whenever your README.md file is updated.

<!-- START mdsplit-ignore --> <br/>

See the mdsplit LIVE DEMO and compare it with this very README.md file.

<!-- END mdsplit-ignore --> <br/>

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<br/> <!-- https://gist.github.com/jbroadway/2836900 --> <!-- START doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <!-- DON'T EDIT THIS SECTION, INSTEAD RE-RUN doctoc TO UPDATE --> <details> <summary>Table of Contents</summary> </details> <!-- END doctoc generated TOC please keep comment here to allow auto update --> <br/>

Quick Start

Go to your repository settings and turn on GitHub Pages on the branch gh-pages.

Turn on GitHub Pages

Copy the mkdocs.yml file to your repository:

??? info "See contents"

=== "mkdocs.yml"

    ```yaml hl_lines="1 2 3 4 6 30"
    --8<-- "mkdocs.yml"

Copy the .github/workflows/docs.yml file to your repository:

??? info "See contents"

=== "docs.yml"

    ```yaml hl_lines="21 22 31-44 48"
    --8<-- ".github/workflows/docs.yml"

In a few seconds, your README.md file will become a beautiful documentation.


Splitting Locally

After installing mdsplit, run

mdsplit -r username/repository

from your project root directory to generate your documentation.

mdsplit will split your README.md file into smaller files and save the results to the docs directory.

!!! note This is directory from where mkdocs will later build your documentation.

Testing Locally

You might want to test your documentation locally before pushing it to your repository.

Install mkdocs with

pip install mkdocs-material

After generating the docs with mdsplit, run the mkdocs server with

mkdocs serve

Or build the static documentation with

mkdocs serve

Use this mkdocs configuration file to get started:

=== "mkdocs.yml"

--8<-- "mkdocs.yml"

Replace the settings with your repository information.

Github Actions

You can integrate mdsplit with GitHub actions to regenerate the documentation whenever you change your README.md file.

Use this workflow to get started:

=== ".github/workflows/docs.yml"

```yaml hl_lines="21 22 31-44 48"
--8<-- ".github/workflows/docs.yml"

Replace the settings with your repository information.

Most steps in this workflow are optional:


Run mdsplit with the --help (or -h) option to see all the command-line options:

mdsplit -h
Generate documentation from README.md files
  mdsplit -i input_directory -o output_directory -r username/repository

 File options:
  -i, --input arg       Input file (default: README.md)
  -o, --output arg      Output directory (default: docs)
  -r, --repository arg  Output repository

 Behaviour options:
  -l, --level arg        Max level for which we should split the file
                         (default: 6)
  -c, --clear-html arg   List of HTML tags mdsplit should clear (default:
  -t, --toc              Create a table of contents for the new files
                         (default: true)
  -j, --jekyll-escape    Escape consecutive "{{"s for Jekyll processing
                         (default: true)
      --header-reindent  Reindent headers to match the new files (default:
  -f, --front-matter     Include a front-matter in the new files (default:
  -u, --url-update       Update relative URLs to their new relative paths
                         (default: true)
      --remove-auto-toc  Remove automatic table of contents (default: true)
      --trace            Trace commands (default: true)

 Help options:
  -h, --help     Print usage
  -v, --version  Print version

Links to Repository

The --repository (or -r) option should be used to provide your repository name to mdsplit. This option enables mdsplit to create links to files inside the repository.

Although all internal repository links work in GitHub, not all internal links are adjusted to work with GitHub Pages. Documentation files can only contain links to other markdown files in the documentation directory.

If your documentation needs to refer to a file in the repository and this file is not under .docs/, links need to use the absolute repository link as a parent path.

For instance, consider a file source/main.cpp outside docs. Then

[My Internal Link](source/main.cpp)

should become

[My Internal Link](https://github.com/my_username/my_repository/blob/master/source/main.cpp)

so that the link works correctly on GitHub pages.

You can use the --repository (or -r) option to provide the repository mdsplit should consider to generate these links:

mdsplit -r alandefreitas/matplotplusplus

Hiding sections

Use the comments <!-- START mdsplit-ignore --> and <!-- END mdsplit-ignore --> to ignore sections from your README.md. For instance:

=== "Markdown"

<!-- START mdsplit-ignore -->
# Section to ignore

`mdsplit` will remove this whole section from your documentation.

<!-- END mdsplit-ignore -->


=== "Markdown"

# Section to ignore

<!-- START mdsplit-ignore -->
`mdsplit` will remove this paragraph from your documentation.
<!-- END mdsplit-ignore -->

If you ignore the complete section, mdsplit will create no file for that section.

If you're reading this from README.md you will see this section has a subsection that will be completely ignored in the documentation.

<!-- START mdsplit-ignore -->

Ignored section

This section will be completely ignored by the documentation. Have a look at the Section Hiding sections from docs in the documentation.

<!-- END mdsplit-ignore -->

Input file

The --input (or -i) option defines the file mdsplit should split to generate the documentation. You don't usually want to change the default from README.md because that's the file GitHub uses for all repositories.

However, it might be useful to use another file as input if you want to have your documentation in a bulky markdown file kept separate from your main README.md.

Output directory

The --output (or -o) option defines the directory where mdsplit should store the documentation. You don't usually want to change the default from docs because GitHub Pages gives you only two options for the documentation directory:

And cluttering the root directory with lots of markdown files and directories is not a good idea unless you are going to create another branch for your documentation.

Remove HTML Tags

The --clear-html (or -d) option defines the HTML tags mdsplit should remove from your README.md. This is useful to README.md files that use tags such as details and summary to emulate what the documentation would look like inside the README.md file.

By default, mdsplit will remove the tags details and summary because 1) Jekyll themes often have difficulty with these tags and 2) people often use these tags in markdown files to emulate what the documentation would look like.

Front matter

The --front-matter (or -f) option tells mdsplit to generate a front matter for each new file. The default option is true so you need --front-matter=false to turn it off.

This front matter includes parameters such as title, nav_order, parent, has_children, and nav_exclude for each markdown file.

Jekyll themes can use these parameters to generate proper navigation bars, order pages, and define page titles.

Removing old sections

In principle, mdsplit will not remove any files in your documentation directory. It will only create or update files. This is meant to allow auxiliary files that you also want to be part of the documentation.

However, that also means that if you change your section names in README.md, mdsplit will create a new file for this section and the old file would be left untouched. Your GitHub pages would then show you the new and old sections.

If this is not an auxiliary file you want in your documentation, you need to remove these files.

To make it easier to identify external auxiliary files, after saving the new markdown files, mdsplit will look for any .md files in the docs directory. If there are any files not generated by mdsplit, it will emit a message like the following:

=== "Output"

# The following .md files were not generated by mdsplit
# Please make sure that is on purpose:
Outsider doc file: docs/README.md
Outsider doc file: docs/COMPLETE_GALLERY.md

If any of these files contain a comment indicating that mdsplit generated the file, then mdsplit might automatically remove the file. You can control this behaviour with the --erase-old-mdsplit-files (or -e) option. The default value is true so you need --erase-old-mdsplit-files=false to turn it off.



Get the latest release from the Release Page or download the latest binaries from the CI Artifacts.

Install from Source

To install from the source files:

=== "Windows"

mkdir build
cmake --build . -j 2 --config Release
cmake --install .

=== "Linux"

mkdir build
cmake --build . -j 2 --config Release
sudo cmake --install .

=== "Mac OS"

mkdir build
cmake --build . -j 2 --config Release
cmake --install .

The dependencies are CMake 3.17 and C++17.


These are some projects that use mdsplit. Use the links below to compare their documentation with the README.md files.

mdsplit itselfURLURL

!!! note Let me know if you want to list your project here.



If contributing with code, please leave the pedantic mode ON ( -DBUILD_WITH_PEDANTIC_WARNINGS=ON), use cppcheck, and clang-format.

<details> <summary>Example: CLion</summary>

CLion Settings with Pedantic Mode



<!-- readme: collaborators,contributors -start --> <table> <tr> <td align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/alandefreitas"> <img src="https://avatars0.githubusercontent.com/u/5369819?v=4" width="100;" alt="alandefreitas"/> <br /> <sub><b>Alan De Freitas</b></sub> </a> </td> <td align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/actions-user"> <img src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/65916846?v=4" width="100;" alt="actions-user"/> <br /> <sub><b>Actions-user</b></sub> </a> </td></tr> </table> <!-- readme: collaborators,contributors -end -->