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Gracefully Mesos agent destroy system for AWS Autoscaling.

Deathnode ensures that agents from an Autoscaling group in AWS are destroyed only after they have being drained, allowing to implement scale-in or red/black deployments with no impact to the customers.

It's implementation is based using:

How does it do it?

Deathnode monitors the autoscaling groups from the Mesos Agents. Whenever it detects that one instance from an autoscaling group should be removed, it will:

Then deathnode will keep monitoring this agent, completing destroy lifecycle once it's drained.


Here you can find an example of usage:

./deathnode -autoscalingGroupName ${ASG_NAME} -delayDelete 300 -mesosUrl ${MESOS_URL} -polling 60 -protectedFrameworks Eremetic -debug


When removing an instance, contraints are used by deathnode to filter which instances are not able to be picked up as candidates (best efford). Multiple contraints can be specified.


To execute the test, run:

make test

To build the app, run:

make build

To build a docker image, run:

DOCKERTAG="version" make docker
