

UI Kitten <img src="https://i.imgur.com/oMcxwZ0.png" alt="Eva Design System" height="20px" /> npm Build Status Coverage Status


UI Kitten is a React Native UI Library that allows you creating stunning multi-brand cross-platform mobile applications. The library is based on Eva Design System which brings consistency and scalability in the design and development process. It contains a set of general purpose UI components styled in a similar way. And the most awesome thing: the themes can be changed in the runtime, with no need to reload the application.

100% Free and Open Source!

Kitten Material link:doc-homepage

What's included

Starter App

Kitten Tricksreact-native starter kit allows you to boost the development of a mobile app. There is a huge variety of customizable layouts, use “as is” or add new blocks.

Over 40 screens in dark and light themes give you the possibility to create a bright and exclusive app while saving your time on compiling numerous details. Also, you can download the source code and use it for your own benefit.

Quick Start

Start a new app with UI Kitten template from a scratch:

npx react-native init MyApp --template @ui-kitten/template-js

Or, if you want to init with TypeScript:

npx react-native init MyApp --template @ui-kitten/template-ts

This will setup a new React Native application configured with UI Kitten. Refer to the Documentation for more options to start.

UI Bakery

Need to quickly build an admin panel for your mobile app? Check out UI builder UI Bakery.

<a href="https://uibakery.io"><img src="https://storage.uibakery.io/video-assets/landing/Logo/UIB%20400x150.png" height="80" /></a>

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MIT license.

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From Developers

Made with :heart: by Akveo team. Follow us on Twitter to get the latest news first! We're always happy to receive your feedback!