

Prometheus remote storage adapter for Akumuli

This adapter integrates Akumuli with Prometheus using the remote-read and remote-write interfaces. Adapter maintains the TCP connection pool to Akumuli. When Prometheous pushes the data adapter tries to maintain affinity. This means that the data from the same shard will go through the same TCP connection to the TSDB. This guarantees good write performance for Akumuli.

Build Instructions

Go 1.10 or greater is required to build the package. To build the package clone the repository and run go get; go build.


All command line parameters have meaningful defaults. Because of that, if you're running this adapter and Akumuli on the same host you can just start adapter without parameters. If this is not the case you have to provide host and port.

hostAkumuli host namelocalhost
portAkumuli TCP endpoint port8282
http-portAkumuli HTTP API endpoint port8181
write-timeoutWrite timeout10s
reconnect-intervalTime interval between connection attempts5s
idle-timeTime interval after which idle connection should be closed60s

To configure Prometheus you can add this lines to your configuration file:

# Remote write configuration
  - url: "http://<adapter-host-name>:9201/write"

# Remote read configuration
  - url: "http://<adapter-host-name>:9201/read"

You can add remote_read or remote_write or both.