

React Native Action Picker

A simple action picker for iOS and Android. Renders Native ActionSheetIOS Component in iOS and custom ActionSheet lookalike component in Android.


npm i --save rn-action-picker


  1. Minimal example
    options: ['Cancel', 'Camera', 'Gallery'],
    destructiveButtonIndex: 1,
    title: "Choose photo from?",
    message: "Please select where you want the photo to be picked from",
    tintColor: "#000000"
  onPressAction={(buttonIndex) => {
    if (buttonIndex === 1) {
      // Do something if you tap on 'Camera'
    } else if (buttonIndex === 2) {
      // Do something if you tap on 'Gallery'
  1. Full Example
import React from 'react';
import {
  View, Button
} from 'react-native;
import ActionPicker from 'rn-action-sheet';

const options = {
  options: ['Cancel', 'Camera', 'Gallery'],
  destructiveButtonIndex: 1,
  title: "Choose photo from?",
  message: "Please select where you want the photo to be picked from",
  tintColor: "#000000"

export default class MyExample extends React.Component {
  render() {
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Button title="Upload Photo" onPress={() => this.actionSheetRef.show()} />
          ref={(ref) => this.actionSheetRef = ref}
  onPressAction = (buttonIndex) => {
    if (buttonIndex === 1) {
      // Do something if you tap on 'Camera'
    } else if (buttonIndex === 2) {
      // Do something if you tap on 'Gallery'

const styles = {
  container: {
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center'


optionsTakes an object which has all the properties for the action sheet such as options arrayObject
onPressActionCallback function to trigger press on an option. Returns the index of the option pressed.Function


optionsAn array of options to show in the action sheet. Note that the first option (at index 0) will always be the cancel button.Array of Strings['Cancel', 'Camera', 'Gallery']
destructiveButtonIndexIf you want to show a button in red color, pass the index of that option to this.Integer2
titleProvide a title to the action sheet. Renders on top.String"Choose an option"
messageProvide a descriptive message below the title.String"Please choose one of the following options"
tintColorColor for the options textString"#000000"

Note that cancelButtonIndex is default to 0 always. So you must put that option at 0th index in the options array.


show()Create a reference of the ActionSheet component and call this function to present it.this._actionSheetRef.show()

Hope it helps!