Svelto ECS Inspector
A Web based inspector for Svelto ECS library to visualize groups, entities and engines.
Getting started
You must include this in all of your assemblies where you have Engines defined: And this contains the inspector serving code itself:
You're going to need a websocket SERVER implementation for Unity. Recommended: With the following wrapper to tie it to the Inspector:
using AkroGame.ECS.Websocket;
using System;
using JamesFrowen.SimpleWeb;
public class WebSocketWrapper: IWebSocket
private readonly SimpleWebServer server;
public WebSocketWrapper()
var tcpConfig = new TcpConfig(true, 5000, 5000);
server = new SimpleWebServer(5000, tcpConfig, 32000, 5000, default);
// listen for events
server.onDisconnect += (id) => { OnClose?.Invoke(id); };
server.onData += (id, data) => { OnData?.Invoke(new Envelope<int, ArraySegment<byte>>(id, data)); };
// start server listening on port 9300
public event Action<Envelope<int, ArraySegment<byte>>> OnData;
public event Action<int> OnClose;
public void Send(int connectionId, ArraySegment<byte> source)
server.SendOne(connectionId, source);
/// <summary>
/// Call this from Unity Main Thread!
/// </summary>
public void Update()
If you are using the above WebSocket implementation you must call the Update from Unity Main Thread.
Next create the inspector service
IWebSocket ws = new WebSocketWrapper();
InspectorService inspector = InspectorService(ws, enginesRoot);
You MUST call inspector.Update(deltaTime);
note: deltaTime is a TimeSpan! from your main loop (so Unity main thread / any step engine / whatever you use to tick your engines with)
Open the UI and enjoy: note: the UI uses port 9300 so if you changed the port you must edit the port in the top left.
Developing UI:
Please make sure you have yarn
and node v17
installed on your machine.
Run yarn install
in the /inspector
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open [http://localhost:3000/svelto-ecs-inspector] to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.