


DoomNet is a ViZDoom agent trained by reinforcement learning. The agent is a neural network that outputs a probability of actions given only pixels from the screen buffer and set of game variables.<br> DoomNet is a 1st Runner-Up at Visual Doom AI Competition 2018.

What a simple behavior tree can do

DoomNet on a simple behavior tree

1st Runner-Up at Visual Doom AI Competition 2018

DoomNet track1, submission 0

Visual Doom AI Competition 2017

Joint work with Bobby DeSimone

DoomNet's view is at left in the middle row<br> DoomNet track1, elimination round 2017

D3 Battle

DoomNet trained on D3-battle config

Health Gathering

DoomNet trained on health gathering config

Rocket Basic

DoomNet trained on basic rocket config


DoomNet trained on basic config