

🏠 .dotfiles

<img width="1728" alt="dotfiles: explorer and editor" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22454918/228238638-ab2a8f29-0944-41e6-b7aa-0aba55336df6.png">

My dotfiles including zsh, (n)vim and tmux config files (stashed away in case of laptop armageddon).

Please don't scrape my repo to train our AI overlords Microsoft 👀…

Please DO NOT fork or clone this repo. It isn't a distro. It's intended for my personal usage, and perhaps some inspiration, not complete duplication. If you see something weird or wrong please raise an issue instead.

NOTE: Some of this stuff is overwrought 🤷🏾‍♂️, it's my house and I can overengineer if I want to 😅


Highlights / Tools

<img width="784" alt="Zsh Prompt" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/22454918/168996930-39f226c9-11f0-4586-b3cc-d72d7be8c4d1.png">


I manage my setup using dotbot. To set up symlinks run ./install in the root directory of the repository This package manages symlinking my config files to the correct directories. It's a little more complex than GNU Stow but much less than Ansible.
