

<div align="center"> <img src="media/logo.png" alt="Word-Snatchers-CLI" /> </div>

word-snatchers-cli NPM version

A console game which target is unscramble the letters to spell out a word fitting the given definition.


$ npm install --global word-snatchers-cli


$ yarn global add word-snatchers-cli


Run a game with default set of questions:

$ word-snatchers-cli


$ wsc


$ words-game

You can provide another json file that contains question items by passing an appropriate option:

$ words-game --file my/custom/questions.json

In order to run several game rounds you can use the --suite flag:

$ words-game --suite

There is the --suite-folder flag to provide a folder to use another set of questions at once (rounds) from all json files located in a specified folder:

$ words-game --suite --suite-folder "C:\baz"

In order to run only specific round (from specified file) you can use the --suite-item option:

$ words-game --suite --suite-folder "C:\baz" --suite-item="first.json"

You can also omit the .json extension:

$ words-game --suite --suite-folder "C:\baz" --suite-item="first"

Use a plugin by providing the --plugin option:

$ words-game --plugin word-snatchers-cli-fruits-plugin

If a plugin has several rounds you can run a specified round by using the --round-number option:

$ words-game --plugin word-snatchers-cli-stationery-and-office-supplies-plugin --round-number 2

Besides above sources, you can also use a http resource as a source of questions:

words-game --http https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akgondber/39eb9d89891a709c4c543a55f2c5a5bf/raw/af8b0f847841b9b305033bcb031c9cf366b8d852/word-snatchers-cli-animals-source.json

If a source have several rounds you can run a specified round:

words-game --http https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akgondber/0317e3349c04ea0943ba14215f033392/raw/e80ea08b8d6e4fe1bacec736fd31a53534591336/word-snatchers-cli-common-words.json --round-number 2

To specify how long to display each answer in summary when game was finished (in seconds, default value is 7):

$ words-game --answer-display-time=9

Train your english (though this program can be used to learn another languages too) and expand your vocabulary!


Some available plugins:

Please see an appropriate page for more details.


There is a possibility to run a game from a http source. You can use the --http option in this case: provide an appropriate http link as a source of questions.

Some available http sources:

Please see a sources page in the documentation for more details.


MIT © Rushan Alyautdinov