

PowerShell PackageManagement provider for GitLab

Implements PackageProvider interface (aka OneGet) for GitLab. It allows you to install PowerShell modules right from a GitLab server (api v4 only).

Sample usage:

Import-PackageProvider GitLab
# add GitLab Source (once)
Register-PackageSource -ProviderName GitLab -Name <Company> -Location 'https://gitlab.domain.local/api/v4' -Trusted  
# search for package  
$Package = Find-Package -ProviderName GitLab -Source <Company> -Name <PackageName> -Credential $Credential  
# save package to disk  
$Package | Save-Package -Path D:\  
# install package into the user PSModule directory (default is system-wide); custom -Location is also available
Install-Package -Name <PackageName> -ProviderName GitLab -User $true  
# uninstall package  
Get-Package -Name <PackageName> -ProviderName GitLab | Uninstall-Package  

Dependencies CanonicalId should be specified in module manifest PrivateData.RequiredPackages section.
See excerpt from .psd1 file:

    PrivateData = @{
        RequiredPackages = @(
            @{CanonicalId = 'gitlab:CredentialManagement/1.2.1#CompanySource'},
            @{CanonicalId = 'powershellget:PSScriptAnalyzer/1.5.0#PSGallery'},
                CanonicalId = 'nuget:Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices/2.2#nuget.org'
                Destination = 'C:\ProgramData\NuGet\Packages'
                RequiredAssemblies = @('\lib\40\Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll')
                EnvPath = $false # Machine
                CanonicalId = 'chocolatey:OpenSSL.Light/'
                # only default install path is supported for chocolatey packages
                Destination = 'C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\bin'
                EnvPath = $true # Machine

Other fields of RequiredPackages enable automatic package installation, assembly loading (nuget) and path update by a separate project.