

Magic Mirror

Turn your old tablets into a smart mirror display!

Read the blog tutorial on how to make your own.

Inspired by HannahMitt/HomeMirror

Environment Configuration

env.js must be defined in the root of the project with the following keys

  "forecast": {
    "access_token": "forecast.io token"
  "github": {
    "access_token": ""
  "twitter": {
    "consumer_key": "",
    "consumer_token": "",
    "access_token": "",
    "access_token_secret": ""

slack for ios upload-1

<img width="300" alt="screen shot 2015-09-27 at 12 37 49 pm" src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/656630/10124725/3a2a5e8a-652a-11e5-97a2-756ba0646ae3.png">

"Hardware" Build Guide

"Software" Build Guide

npm install -g react-native-cli
npm install
react-native run-android