

C3 Relay Rumbler

A proof-of-concept tool that attempts to retrieve the configuration from the memory dump of an F-Secure C3 Relay executable.

Currently supported channels (both negotiation and non-negotiation):

This tool will also parse the dump for channel URLs (e.g. github.com), as well as artefacts from C3 DLLs and shellcode.

Lastly, the parser will check for the presence of pipe strings (i.e. \\.\pipe\) and return these. Pipe names present could suggest the presence of peripherals (e.g. a Cobalt Strike beacon) having been deployed in the relay process.

Tested with C3 release versions 1.2.0 and 1.3.0



Help menu:

python3 relayrumbler.py -h
usage: relayrumbler.py [-h] [-f FILE] [-v] [-l] [-c] [-b]

Read values from file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Path of memory dump
  -v, --verbose         Print raw output of config as hex
  -l, --list-channels   Show loaded channels and quit.
  -c, --no-colour       No colours in printed output.
  -b, --no-banner       Do not print banner.

List channels loaded into the config (config.py):

 python3 relayrumbler.py -b --list-channels

[*] Listing channels loaded in config...

[+] Dropbox
- Known Arguments:
    User Agent
- Channel types:

[+] Slack
- Known Arguments:
    Channel Name
- Channel types:

Example output for LDAP relay:

python3 relayrumbler.py -f Relay_x64_e965_LDAP.dmp

  _____   ____     ______ _______        _______ __   __
 / ____| |___ \   |_____/ |______ |      |_____|   \_/        @ajpc500
| |        __) |  |    \_ |______ |_____ |     |    |
| |       |__ <    ______ _     _ _______ ______         _______  ______
| |____   ___) |  |_____/ |     | |  |  | |_____] |      |______ |_____/
 \_____| |____/   |    \_ |_____| |  |  | |_____] |_____ |______ |    \_


[*] Looking for offset for config...
[+] Found offset (matching LDAP negotiation channel): 597078

[*] Checking for peripherals via pipe strings check...
[*] No pipe strings found.

[*] Attempting to parse C3 relay config...
[+] Found 7 config entries.

---------- RELAY CONFIG -----------
 |- Channel: LDAP
 |- Type: Negotiation

 |- Negotiation Identifier: xsu1vwza
 |- Data Attribute: mSMQSignCertificates
 |- Lock Attribute: primaryInternationalISDNNumber
 |- Domain Controller: DC2.UK.MWR.COM
 |- Username: Administrator@uk.mwr.com
 |- Password: Password1!-
 |- DN: CN=Administrator,CN=users,DC=uk,DC=mwr,DC=com

Example output for dump of Internet Explorer process with injected Dropbox relay shellcode:

python3 relayrumbler.py -bf iexplore-with-relay.dmp
[+] Found C3 Relay Reflective DLL Artifacts.
 |- 9997304: NodeRelayDll_r64.dllStartNodeRelay
 |- 11983792: NodeRelayDll_r64.dllStartNodeRelay
 |- 13889755: NodeRelayDll_r64.dllStartNodeRelay

[+] Found Dropbox URLs.

[*] Looking for offset for config...
[!] Couldn't locate offset. Exiting...

Example output for dump of GoogleDrive relay with beacon deployed:

python3 relayrumbler.py -bf gdrive-with-beacon.dmp

[+] Found GoogleDrive URLs.

[*] Looking for offset for config...
[+] Found offset (matching GoogleDrive negotiation channel): 1557710

[*] Checking for peripherals via pipe strings check...
[+] Found pipe names:
  - \.\pipe\mypipe
  - \.\pipe\mypipe

[*] Attempting to parse C3 relay config...
[+] Found 6 config entries.

---------- RELAY CONFIG -----------
 |- Channel: GoogleDrive
 |- Type: Negotiation

 |- Negotiation Identifier: hu3wy3bk
 |- User Agent: [...]
 |- Client ID: [...].googleusercontent.com
 |- Client Secret: [...]
 |- Refresh Token: [...]
 |- Folder Name: [...]