Alliance Française Maracay
This is a web application designed for Maracay's Alliance Française as part of my thesis to opt for the Information Engineering degree at Universidad Tecnológica del Centro (UNITEC) with the aim to manage the institute's administrative tasks in an efficient, quick way.
Made with ♥ by Angel Perez, from Venezuela.
Table of contents
This app was built under the following stack:
- Fork this repo
- Set 3 environment variables for PostgreSQL's username, password and database
- Go to the project's folder
- On /config, create a file named 'database.yml' and add the following:
adapter: postgresql
encoding: utf8
reconnect: false
database: <%= ENV['your_database'] %>
pool: 5
username: <%= ENV['your_username'] %>
password: <%= ENV['your_password'] %>
host: localhost
port: 5432
url: postgres://localhost/<%= ENV['your_database'] %>?pool=5
- Make sure you have PostgreSQL installed (v8.3 or higher, as this app uses 'hstore' to keep track of teachers' wages)
Otherwise, follow the instructions for your OS before procedding.
- Make sure your Ruby version is 2.3.0; if you're using RVM, you can install it running the following command:
rvm install 2.3.0
If you don't want to install it, remove ruby '2.3.0'
from the Gemfile
- Make sure Bundler is installed. Then, run the following command:
bundle install
- Now create the database, load the schema and seed it:
rake db:setup
- Finally, start the app:
ruby app.rb
You can start using the app at http://localhost:4567/signin with the following credentials:
- ID: 123456
- Password: 123
This web application lets you:
- Create, modify and delete users (Admins)
- Password change
- Students' signups and fees management
- Students' management and their grades
- Courses' management
- Teachers' management and their work hours
- Wages' management (Admins)
- Storage management
- Report generation (Admins)
This app can be used in other Alliance Française offices where an administrative system is required or on institutions with similar needs.
This README is also available in the following languages:
- Fork this repo
- Add the feature or bugfix you worked on
- Don't forget to add tests, so I can make sure everything works as expected
- Commit!
- Send me a pull request
You can follow me on Twitter as @AITBW