


k8s-pod-restart-info-collector is a simple K8s customer controller that watches for Pods changes and collects K8s Pod restart reasons, logs, and events to Slack channel when a Pod restarts.

For more information, see the blog on Medium: Automated Troubleshooting of Kubernetes (K8s) Pods Issues

This project is actively used and maintained by Airwallex DevOps team.

Overview of the Data Collected

Here are two Slack screenshots of the example messages.

Brief Alert Message


Detailed Alert Message

As shown below, by clicking “Show more”, we can see the Reason, “Pod Status”, “Pod Events”, “Node Status and Events”, and “Pod Logs Before Restart”.


How to test and develop locally

export SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL=https://hooks.slack.com/services/xxxxx/xxxxx
go run .

Install using Helm

Replace the slackWebhookUrl, clusterName and slackChannel.

helm upgrade --install k8s-pod-restart-info-collector ./helm \
   --set slackWebhookUrl="https://hooks.slack.com/services/Change-Me" \
   --set clusterName="Change-Me" \
   --set slackChannel="Change-Me"

Check Commands:

# check commands
kubectl get pod,deploy,sa,secret -l app.kubernetes.io/instance=k8s-pod-restart-info-collector
helm status k8s-pod-restart-info-collector
helm get values k8s-pod-restart-info-collector
helm get manifest k8s-pod-restart-info-collector
helm get all k8s-pod-restart-info-collector
# see logs
kubectl logs deployment/k8s-pod-restart-info-collector -f

Run a debug-pod to verify the collector:

kubectl run debug-pod --image=alpine -- date;sleep 30
kubectl get pod debug-pod -w


To uninstall/delete the k8s-pod-restart-info-collector helm release:

helm uninstall k8s-pod-restart-info-collector

The command removes all the Kubernetes components associated with the chart and deletes the release.

Helm Parameters

clusterNameK8s cluster name (Display on slack message)required
slackUsernameSlack username (Display on slack message)default: "k8s-pod-restart-info-collector"
slackChannelSlack channel namedefault: "restart-info-nonprod"
muteSecondsThe time to mute duplicate pod alertsdefault: "600"
ignoreRestartCountThe number of pod restart count to ignoredefault: "30"
ignoredNamespacesA set of namespaces to be ignored. This should be provided as a comma-separated list or a regular expression.default: ""
ignoredPodNamePrefixesA set of pod name prefixes to be ignored. This should be provided as a comma-separated list or a regular expression.default: ""
watchedNamespacesA set of namespaces to be watched. This should be provided as a comma-separated list or a regular expression.default: ""
watchedPodNamePrefixesA set of pod name prefixes to be watched. This should be provided as a comma-separated list or a regular expression.default: ""
ignoreRestartsWithExitCodeZeroWhether restart events with an exit code of 0 should be ignoreddefault: false
slackWebhookUrlSlack webhook URLrequired if slackWebhooUrlSecretKeyRef is not present
slackWebhookurlSecretKeyRef.keySlack webhook URL SecretKeyRef.key
slackWebhookurlSecretKeyRef.nameSlack webhook URL SecretKeyRef.name


  1. When will the collector send Pod restart messages to Slack channel?

    When a Pod restarts. However, if one of the following conditions is met, the messages are not sent.

    1. Pod restartCount > 30
    2. In the previous 10 minutes, the same Pod restart message was sent
  2. How to customize slack channel for each pods

    Adding alert-slack-channel: "your-slack-channel-name" to Pod annotations or labels. For example, a label: alert-slack-channel: "restart-info-nonprod"

How to write a K8s controller

Please refer to:

Copyright and license

Copyright [2022] [Airwallex (Hong Kong) Limited]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


If you are interested in contributing, see CONTRIBUTION.md.