A babel preset for transforming your JavaScript for Airbnb.
Currently contains transforms for all stage 4 (ES2018) and stage 3 syntax that is permitted in the Airbnb Style Guide. Please note that if usage of a stage 3 proposal is not explicitly mentioned in the Airbnb Style Guide, then it will not be enabled here. Additionally, stage 4 syntax that is excluded is as follows:
- generators:
is too heavyweight for our use. async/await
is too heavyweight for our use, and async-to-promises is not yet complete enough to be safely used.- async iterators: depends on both generators and
async function
s - lifted template literal restrictions: we do not use tagged template literals, nor implement custom DSLs, otherwise we would enable this.
$ npm install --save-dev babel-preset-airbnb
Via .babelrc
"presets": ["airbnb"]
$ babel script.js --presets airbnb
Via Node API
require('@babel/core').transform('code', {
presets: ['airbnb']
Targeting Environments
This module uses @babel/preset-env to target specific environments.
Please refer to @babel/preset-env#targets for a list of available options.
For a list of browsers please see browserlist.
You may override our default list of targets by providing your own targets
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"targets": {
"chrome": 50,
"ie": 11,
"firefox": 45
The following transpiles only for Node v6.
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"targets": {
"node": 6
If you wish, you can also inherit our default list of browsers and extend them using additionalTargets
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"additionalTargets": {
"chrome": 42,
"ie": 8
You may override our default debug option by providing your own debug
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"debug": true
React Development Mode
When process.env.NODE_ENV
is 'development'
, the development
mode will be set for @babel/preset-react
You may override our default development option by providing your own boolean development
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"development": false
React PropTypes removal
This preset can be configured to remove propTypes using babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types with the following default options:
To enable this transformation with the default options, set the removePropTypes
option to true
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"removePropTypes": true
The default options that will be used are:
mode: 'wrap',
additionalLibraries: ['airbnb-prop-types'],
ignoreFilenames: ['node_modules'],
Default options can be overridden using the removePropTypes
option. These options will be shallow-merged with the defaults:
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"removePropTypes": {
"mode": "remove"
For example, if you are using this plugin in a deployable app, you might want to use the remove mode for your production build (and disable this transform entirely in development for optimal build speeds).
Classes loose mode
By default, this preset will compile classes in normal mode. This is safer, but comes with a bundle size and runtime overhead. To compile classes in loose mode, set the looseClasses
option to true
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"looseClasses": true,
The risks of enabling loose classes are outlined in the Babel docs.
Specifying a babel runtime version
By default @babel/plugin-transform-runtime will assume the oldest version of the runtime to avoid importing helpers that don't exist which would fail at runtime. This can result in newer helpers being inlined into modules (ex. objectSpread2) which increases bundle size.
To avoid this you can configure the preset to use the same version of the runtime that's installed in your package.json.
ex. If package.json has "@babel/runtime": "^7.5.5"
then you can use:
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"runtimeVersion": "7.5.5",
Note that this will result in a runtime breakage if the version passed into the airbnb preset is newer than the version of the babel runtime actually being used at build time.
Disabling plugin-transform-runtime
You can use the transformRuntime
option to disable @babel/plugin-transform-runtime
. Specifying false
will disable the plugin. This option defaults to true
Specifying module transforms
You can use the modules
option to enable transformation of modules given to this preset:
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"modules": "auto"
Both true
and the option default auto
will not transform modules if ES6 module syntax is already supported by the environment, or "commonjs"
otherwise. false
will not transform modules.
You can use the runtimeHelpersUseESModules
option to prevent transformation of runtime helpers to CommonJS modules.
"presets": [["airbnb", {
"runtimeHelpersUseESModules": true
will not transform runtime helpers to CommonJS modules. false
will transform runtime helpers to CommonJS modules. The option defaults to true
if modules
is set to false
, and false