

About Java Straw

Java Straw is a library for quickly reading data from the HiC file format, to be used directly in code without dumping data to a local file.

Here's a detailed example of how to use Java-Straw: AnnotatedExample.java

Ongoing development work is carried out by <a href="https://github.com/sa501428">Muhammad Saad Shamim</a>. Past contributors include <a href="https://github.com/nchernia">Neva C. Durand</a>, <a href="https://github.com/suhas-rao"> Suhas Rao</a>, and <a href="https://github.com/jrobinso">Jim Robinson</a>.


For FAQs, or for asking new questions, please see our forum: <a href="https://aidenlab.org/forum.html"> aidenlab.org/forum.html</a>.

Compiling Jar from IntelliJ

Precompiled jars are available under Github Releases. We recommend using the latest version.

You can build jars from source code using IntelliJ IDEA (Community edition - free)

To set up in IDEA, have the Java SDK installed then you'll point to it (IntelliJ has lots of documentation on this sort of thing).


We have documentation for how to use Java Straw at https://github.com/aidenlab/java-straw/wiki.