

Easing Functions Cheat Sheet

Simple cheat sheet to help developers pick the right easing function.

<a href="https://evilmartians.com/?utm_source=easings.net"> <img src="https://evilmartians.com/badges/sponsored-by-evil-martians.svg" alt="Sponsored by Evil Martians" width="236" height="54"> </a>


GitHub has great instructions on how to set up Git, fork a project and make pull requests. If you have a problem with Git, just send your files directly to andrey@sitnik.ru.


Just copy the i18n/en.yml file to i18n/CODE.yml (where CODE is the lowercased RFC 3066 language code of your target language, for example fr-ca for Canadian French) and translate all messages.


  1. Install project dependencies:

    yarn install
  2. That’s all. Run development server:

    yarn run start
  3. And open [localhost:1234] in browser.