


IMPORTANT Before completing the installation, it is suggested that you already have a session logged into the Wagtail admin panel. It makes the setup easier at the end to already be authenticated.

Step 0 - Install Dependencies

This app makes use of django-overextends to override the default Wagtail login template, and python-yubico-client.

$ pip install django-overextends
$ pip install yubico-client

Step 1 - Install the App

Grab the package from this repository and place it in your Django project.

Step 2 - Setup the App

Make the following changes to two of your Wagtail app files.


Update your Wagtail settings by editing the appropriate file to include yubikey in the INSTALLED_APPS list, and saving your client_id and client_secret supplied by Yubico as follows:

    'yubikey', # Must be before 'wagtail.wagtailadmin',



Update the main url file in your project's main app directory. It should be the one that already has url(r'^admin/', include(wagtailadmin_urls)), in the urlpatterns list. Import yubikey.urls.urlpatterns and include them inside of the urlpatterns list.

HOWEVER, in order for this to work properly, you need to override the existing r'^admin/login' route. Thereefore, make sure to list the new login route before Wagtail's admin include.

from yubikey.urls import urlpatterns as yubikey_urls

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^yubikey/', include(yubikey_urls)),
    url(r'^admin/login', yubikey_login, name='login' ), # Must become before include(wagtailadmin_urls)
    url(r'^admin/', include(wagtailadmin_urls)), # This is Wagtail's default admin URL include.

Step 3 - Run the Migrations

Once this is complete, run:

$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate

Step 4 - Setup your YubiKeys

You should now have a new menu in Wagtail Admin at Settings >> YubiKey. Here you can manage your user's keys.

This is still an early version of this app. Still some tweaks are needed: