


The simple Go binary versioning tool that wraps the go build command.

:warning::warning::warning: DEPRECATED: Go now offers build info natively. Please migrate to use that instead. I am no longer planning to maintain this project.

Stop worrying about -ldflags and go get github.com/ahmetb/govvv now.

Build Variables

main.GitCommitshort commit hash of source tree0b5ed7a
main.GitBranchcurrent branch name the code is built offmaster
main.GitStatewhether there are uncommitted changesclean or dirty
main.GitSummaryoutput of git describe --tags --dirty --alwaysv1.0.0, <br/>v1.0.1-5-g585c78f-dirty, <br/> fbd157c
main.BuildDateRFC3339 formatted UTC date2016-08-04T18:07:54Z
main.Versioncontents of ./VERSION file, if exists, or the value passed via the -version option2.0.0

Using govvv is easy

Just add the build variables you want to the main package and run:

old:sparkles: new :sparkles:
go buildgovvv build
go installgovvv install

Version your app with govvv

Create a VERSION file in your build root directory and add a Version variable to your main package.

Do you have your own way of specifying Version? No problem:

govvv lets you specify custom -ldflags

Your existing -ldflags argument will still be preserved:

govvv build -ldflags "-X main.BuildNumber=$buildnum" myapp

and the -ldflags constructed by govvv will be appended to your flag.

Don’t want to depend on govvv? It’s fine!

You can just pass a -print argument and govvv will just print the go build command with -ldflags for you and will not execute the go tool:

$ govvv build -print
go build \
    -ldflags \
    "-X main.GitCommit=57b9870 -X main.GitBranch=dry-run -X main.GitState=dirty -X main.Version=0.1.0 -X main.BuildDate=2016-08-08T20:50:21Z"

Still don’t want to wrap the go tool? Well, try -flags to retrieve the LDFLAGS govvv prepares:

$ go build -ldflags="$(govvv -flags)"

Want to use a different package?

You can pass a -pkg argument with the full package name, and govvv will set the build variables in that package instead of main. For example:

# build with govvv
$ govvv build -pkg github.com/myacct/myproj/mypkg

# build with go
$ go build -ldflags="$(govvv -flags -pkg $(go list ./mypkg))"

Want to use a different version?

You can pass a -version argument with the desired version, and govvv will use the specified version instead of obtaining it from the ./VERSION file. For example:

# build with govvv
$ govvv build -version 1.2.3

# build with go
$ go build -ldflags="$(govvv -flags -version 1.2.3)"

Try govvv today

$ go get github.com/ahmetb/govvv

govvv is distributed under Apache 2.0 License.

Copyright 2016 Ahmet Alp Balkan

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