

A Growing Network of Characters In Marvel and DC Universes


Marvel and DC Comics are the two most important comic books publishers in the world. Over the years, each of them told stories of more than 20 000 characters, developing their personalities and making them interact with each others to build two gigantic universes.

The relationships between the characters represent a huge potential for graph visualization: the characters are nodes, and the links between them show how close they are to each other. Studying these links over time will allow an overall visualization of the evolution of the two separate universes thoughout the years, which will show the emergence of some groups. The study will be made for three different periods of time: [beginning - 1950], [beginning - 1990], [beginning - today] ("beginning" means all the data since Marvel and DC started publishing comic books).


The data for Marvel and DC were taken respectively from the following websites:

In each database, information on characters and on published comics was collected.

For the characters, the gathered attributes were: Name, Current Alias, Relatives, Affiliation (team, group or organization the character is affiliated to), URL of the webpage (used as a unique ID).

For the comic books, the gathered attributes were: Publication date, Subcomics names (if a comic book is made of multiple comics) Appearing characters with a URL (to make sure they're in the database).

The graphs are based on three attributes: the characters that are relatives, the ones that are linked by the same affiliation, and the ones appearing in the same comic book.



All the used notebooks for the data gathering and analysis.


Folder containing all the saved data.
