


The official PyTorch implementation of Knowledge Evolution in Neural Networks -- CVPR 2021 Oral.


We subclass neural layers and define the mask inside the subclass. When creating a new network, we simply use our SplitConv and SplitLinear instead of the standard nn.Conv2d and nn.Linear.

Knowledge Evolution GIF


Usage example

First update constants.py with your dataset dir and checkpoints dir

To train a model python train_KE_cls.py

The default hyperparameters are already hard coded in the python script. However these hyperparameters can be overridden by providing at least one parameter when running the script (e.g., python train_KE_cls.py --name exp_name)

The Flower102Pytorch loader (data>flower.py) works directly with this Flower102 dataset. This is the original flower102, but with an extra list directory that contains csv files for trn, val and tst splits. Feel free to download the flower dataset from oxford website, just update data>flower.py accordingly.

The following table shows knowledge evolution in both the dense (even rows) and slim (odd rows) using Flower102 on ResNet18. As the number of generation increases, both the dense and slim networks' performance increases.

Our implementation performance


Contributor list

  1. Ahmed Taha

I want to give credit to Vivek Ramanujan and Mitchell Wortsman's repos. My implementation uses a lot of utils and functions from their code

Further Contributions

  1. It would be great if someone re-implement this in Tensorflow. Let me know and I will add a link to your Tensorflow implementation here
  2. Pull requests to support more architectures (e.g., WideResNet, MobileNet, etc) are welcomed.
  3. I accept coding-tips to improve the code quality.
  4. To the contribution list, I will add the names/links of those who contribute to this repository.

MISC Notes

Release History


title={Knowledge Evolution in Neural Networks},
author={Taha, Ahmed and Shrivastava, Abhinav and Davis, Larry},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},