

<div align="left"><p><a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop"><img alt="New in the Shades of Purple Theme" align="center" src="https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%A6%84-Learn%20VSCode%20%E2%86%92-gray.svg?colorA=5734F5&colorB=5734F5&style=flat" /></a>&nbsp; <strong>NEW:</strong>Diff: Colors. Co-pilot Chat. Shades of Purple (Super Dark) <code>BETA</code> </p></div> <div align="center"> <a align="center" href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop"><img align="center" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahmadawais/shades-of-purple-vscode/master/images/shades-of-purple-v7.jpg" /></a>

Shades of Purple Theme for VS Code

Downloads rating installs VSCode.pro

<a align="center" href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop"><img align="center" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahmadawais/shades-of-purple-vscode/master/images/1_sop.gif" /></a>

</div> <br> <table width='100%' align="center"> <tr> <td align='left' width='100%' colspan='2'> <strong><code>πŸ¦„ Shades of Purple (SOP)</code></strong><br /> A professional theme with hand-picked & bold shades of purple for your VS Code editor and terminal. One of the excellent most downloaded and top rated VSCode Themes on the marketplace. Become a <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop" target="_blank">Visual Studio Code Power User β†’</a> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> A FOSS (Free & Open Source Software) project developed by <a href='https://github.com/ahmadawais' target="_blank">Ahmad Awais</a>. </td> <td align='center'> <a target="_blank" href='https://AhmadAwais.com/'> <img src='https://img.shields.io/badge/%E2%86%92-AHMAD%20AWAIS-gray.svg?colorA=2D2A56&colorB=4D2AFF&style=flat' width='100' /> </a> </td> </tr> <tr><td><sup> Follow Ahmad's #FOSS work on GitHub <a href='https://github.com/ahmadawais'>@AhmadAwais</a> β€” Say Hi on Twitter <a href="https://twitter.com/mrahmadawais/">@MrAhmadAwais</a></sup></td><td align='center'> <a target="_blank" href='https://AhmadAwais.com/'>πŸ‘‹ </a></td></tr> </table> <div align="center">

GitHub stars GitHub followers Tweet for help

</div> <br>


Video Demo & Installation

Watch the following video on YouTube to learn more about the Shades of Purple theme. Learn how to install it and a few features like markdown editing β€” which's pretty awesome with SOP. Shhh, this video is part of VSCode.pro course β†’

<h4 align="center"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wZ1nzNCD-iM" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahmadawais/shades-of-purple-vscode/master/images/3_sop_vdo.jpeg" />

πŸ“Ί Watch the Video to Learn More β†’ </a>

</h4> <br>


Easy Installation

  1. Open the extensions sidebar on Visual Studio Code
  2. Search for Shades of Purple Theme
  3. Click Install to install it.
  4. Click Reload to reload your editor.
  5. Code/File > Preferences > Color Theme > Shades of Purple.
  6. 🌟 Rate five-stars like 110+ awesome devs to appreciate the effort behind this theme.

alternate installation

Alternate Installation

  1. Launch Quick Open using <kbd>Cmd</kbd>+<kbd>P</kbd> β€” or β€” <kbd>Ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>P</kbd>.
  2. Paste the command ext install shades-of-purple
  3. Click Install to install it.
  4. Click Reload to reload your editor.
  5. Code/File > Preferences > Color Theme > Shades of Purple.
  6. 🌟 Rate five-stars like 110+ awesome devs to appreciate the effort on this theme.

Shades of purple for other software

Put Shades of Purple In Other Places

I have built other Shades of Purple themes for different software. Here's a list.



Best Custom Settings

This theme works best with the following settings. Especially if you have the Operator mono font, add it to your user settings JSON object.

You can also use a custom VSCode Shades-of-Purple icon that I created based on the work of VSCode Icons.

P.S. You can use, Shades of Purple without this configuration as well. It just works.

// Theme Setup.
"workbench.colorTheme": "Shades of Purple",
"workbench.iconTheme": "vscode-icons",
"editor.fontFamily": "Operator Mono, Menlo, Monaco, 'Courier New', monospace",
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'Operator Mono', 'Inconsolata for Powerline', monospace",
"editor.fontSize": 17,
"editor.lineHeight": 24.65,
"editor.letterSpacing": 0.5,
"editor.fontWeight": "400",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
"editor.cursorStyle": "line",
"editor.cursorWidth": 5,
"editor.cursorBlinking": "solid",
"editor.renderWhitespace": "all",
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "top",
"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile",
"editor.glyphMargin": true,
"workbench.editor.enablePreview": false,
"explorer.confirmDragAndDrop": false,
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
"files.trimFinalNewlines": true,
// Formatting Optional.
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"prettier.eslintIntegration": true,
"eslint.run": "onType",
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
    "source.fixAll.eslint": true
// MacOS Only Settings.
"workbench.fontAliasing": "auto",
"terminal.integrated.macOptionIsMeta": true,
"workbench.statusBar.feedback.visible": false,
// The default syntax (TextMate) highlighter classifies many tokens as variables and these are now (since VSCode 1.43) resolved into namespaces, classes, parameters, and so on. This is called Semantic highlighting support for TypeScript and JavaScript. But many themes and language extensions seem broken with single-colored syntax. This came as a surprise to me. It's set `true` by default. I recommend disabling this for now.
"editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled": false,
// SOP's highlight matching tag setting.
"highlight-matching-tag.styles": {
    "opening": {
        "full": {
            "highlight": "rgba(165, 153, 233, 0.3)"
// SOP's Import Cost Extension Settings.
"importCost.largePackageColor": "#EC3A37F5",
"importCost.mediumPackageColor": "#B362FF",
"importCost.smallPackageColor": "#B362FF"

πŸ¦„ I teach everything I know and my productive VSCode workflow with useful configurations for developers. Master your Visual Studio Code editor at VSCode.pro. Interested?! Sign up to become a VSCode Power User β†’


Shades of purple FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions



Screenshots: Shades of Purple Theme

<div align="center">

Markdown Syntax markdown




JavaScript Syntax JavaScript




PHP Syntax PHP








Pug Syntax Pug




Python Syntax Python




Go Syntax Go


SOP's Syntax Colors

Shades of purple theme is built with several shades of purple and a few contrast colors to make things pop. This makes SOP a perfect theme for teaching, presenting, and using on your site via Prisma or HighlightJS. A rough collection of actual colors in the SOP theme is listed below.

Background#2D2B55 #2D2B55
Background Dark#1E1E3F #1E1E3F
Foreground#A599E9 #A599E9
Hover Background#4D21FC #4D21FC
Contrast#FAD000 #FAD000
Contrast Lite#FFEE80 #FFEE80
Contrast Lite II#FAEFA5 #FAEFA5
Highlight#FF7200 #FF7200
Comment#B362FF #B362FF
Constants#FF628C #FF628C
Keywords#FF9D00 #FF9D00
Strings#A5FF90 #A5FF90
Templates#3AD900 #3AD900
Definitions#FB94FF #FB94FF
Invalid#EC3A37F5 #EC3A37F5
Diff Added#00FF009A #00FF009A
Diff Removed#FF000D81 #FF000D81

Learn Visual Studio Code

COURSE: Become VSCode Power User β†’

After 10 years with Sublime Text, I switched to VSCode β€” the new open source cross-platform editor everyone's talking about. I've spent over a 1,000 hours perfecting my setup to help you <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module1">switch today</a> and bring all your <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module2">custom settings</a> and the <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module3">power user workflows</a> for <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module4">HTML/CSS</a>, GitHub/<a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module5">Git & Open Source</a>, supercharged <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module6">Markdown</a>, and everything from <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module7">JavaScript</a> to <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module8">PHP</a>, Go, Python, C++, C#, ROR & 50+ Extensions. I'm <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module9">sharing it all</a> in five hours β€” 65 videos online course. <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop" target="_blank">Learn Visual Studio Code β†’</a>

<div align="center"> <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop" target="_blank"><img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahmadawais/shades-of-purple-vscode/master/images/vscodepro.jpg" />🎯 Learn VSCode β†’</a>

<small><a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop" target="_blank">VSCode Power User Course β†’</a></small>

</div> <br>


Hello, we're the Dev Couple!

I (Ahmad Awais) am a Full Stack Web/JS Developer, OSS Dev Advocate, and a core developer at WordPress. My significant other (Maedah Batool) is a Technical Project Manager, and she's also a WP Core Contributor. Together with our team, we run the Dev Couple blog.

Support our Open Source Projects!

If you'd like us to keep producing professional free and open-source software (FOSS). Consider paying for an hour of my dev-time. We'll spend two hours on open source for each contribution. Yeah, that's right, you pay for one hour and get both of us to spend an hour as a thank you. Support here β†’


License & Attribution thanks

License & Attribution

Licensed as MIT β“’ Ahmad Awais.

Thanks to the VSCode team at Microsoft for creating such an excellent code editor. Also, the creator of other high contrast themes that served as an inspiration. This theme takes inspiration from many VSCode themes, including but not limited to Cobalt themes by Roberto Achar, Ayu, Palenight themes, Dracula themes, etc. VSCode and Icons8 for the icons in this readme.

πŸ‘‹ Follow Ahmad on Twitter Ahmad on Twitter

<br> <br> <br>

After 10 years with Sublime Text, I switched to VSCode β€” the new open source cross-platform editor everyone's talking about. I've spent over a 1,000 hours perfecting my setup to help you <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module1">switch today</a> and bring all your <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module2">custom settings</a> and the <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module3">power user workflows</a> for <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module4">HTML/CSS</a>, GitHub/<a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module5">Git & Open Source</a>, supercharged <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module6">Markdown</a>, and everything from <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module7">JavaScript</a> to <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module8">PHP</a>, Go, Python, C++, C#, ROR & 50+ Extensions. I'm <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop#module9">sharing it all</a> in five hours β€” 65 videos online course. <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop" target="_blank">Learn Visual Studio Code β†’</a>

<br> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahmadawais/shades-of-purple-vscode/master/images/hr.png" /> <br> <br> <div align="center"> <a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop" target="_blank"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahmadawais/shades-of-purple-vscode/master/images/vscodeproPlay.jpg" /><br>VSCode</a>

<small><a href="https://VSCode.pro/?utm_source=sop" target="_blank">VSCode Power User Course β†’</a></small>
