


Sends email if a route travel time exceeds a configured limit according to the Google Maps API.

This used to be written in Ruby.

Quick how-to

First, you need a free Google Maps API key and access to an SMTP server. Mailgun has a free plan.

Then install Go, if you haven't, and issue once:

$ go get github.com/agorf/trafficjam

Configure the program with your $EDITOR:

$ cp config.json.sample config.json
$ $EDITOR config.json

Run the program:

$ trafficjam config.json

You can use Cron to run the script at predetermined intervals (e.g. right before heading out each morning). Here's what I have:

0,5,10,15,20,25,30 9 * * 1-5 agorf trafficjam config.json

This runs the program on working days, from 9:00 until 9:30, every five minutes.

To avoid getting spammed, you need to figure out the right threshold (max_duration config option) that you want to get notified for.


The configuration file contains JSON. The following keys can be defined (all required unless otherwise stated):

See config.json.sample for a sample configuration file.


Licensed under the MIT license (see LICENSE.txt).


Angelos Orfanakos, http://agorf.gr/