

feedigest Gem Version

feedigest is a headless RSS/Atom feed aggregator that sends feed updates as a single digest email.

It was written as a simpler alternative to feed2email.

A free, hosted service is also available at https://feedigest.email


As a gem from RubyGems:

gem install feedigest

If the above command fails, make sure the following system packages are installed. For Debian/Ubuntu, issue as root:

apt-get install build-essential patch ruby-dev zlib1g-dev liblzma-dev


feedigest is configured through a YAML configuration file (located under ~/.feedigest/config.yaml by default):

The following configuration options are supported:

feedigest uses SMTP to send emails (Mailgun has a free plan). The relevant configuration options are:

Here's a sample config file:

email_recipient: me@mydomain.com
email_sender: feedigest@mydomain.com
smtp_address: smtp.mailgun.org
smtp_username: postmaster@mydomain.com
smtp_password: 'mypassword'

Finally, you will need a line-separated list of feed URLs:

$ cat > ~/.feedigest/feeds.txt

Note: ^D stands for pressing Ctrl-D.


feedigest --feeds ~/.feedigest/feeds.txt

You can run this with cron e.g. once per day at 10 am:

0 10 * * * feedigest --feeds ~/.feedigest/feeds.txt

Alternatively, you can have feedigest simply print the generated email so that you can send it yourself e.g. by piping it to sendmail:

feedigest --dry-run --feeds ~/.feedigest/feeds.txt | sendmail

It is also possible to have each feed filtered with a custom command. For example, the following script fixes a feed's entry publication dates that use Greek month names and don't follow the required RFC822 format:

require 'nokogiri'

feed_data = $stdin.read
doc = Nokogiri.XML(feed_data)

case feed_data
when /advendure\.com/
  doc.css('pubDate').each do |pubdate|
      Ιαν Φεβ Μαρ Απρ Μαι Ιουν Ιουλ Αυγ Σεπ Οκτ Νοβ Δεκ
      Δε Τρ Τε Πε Πα Σα Κυ
        Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
        Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
    ).each do |greek, latin|
      pubdate.content = pubdate.content.sub(greek, latin)

  print doc
  print feed_data # Do nothing

The script reads the feed XML from its standard input (stdin) and writes the modified XML to its standard output (stdout). To use it as a filter, you simply pass as a command-line argument the necessary command to run it:

feedigest --feeds ~/.feedigest/feeds.txt --filter 'ruby /path/to/filter.rb'

It is also possible to specify the path to the YAML configuration file with --config:

feedigest --feeds ~/.feedigest/feeds.txt --config ~/.config/feedigest.yaml

You can issue feedigest -h to get some help text on the supported options.




Angelos Orfanakos