

Ionic Push Base

This can be used as base template for Ionic Push apps. It's working for both iOS and Android Push Notifications.



node -v
 - should be >= 6.0.0
npm -v
 - should be >= 3.0.0
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod setup

Getting Started


    $ ionic cordova platform add android
    $ ionic cordova build android
    $ ionic cordova run android


    $ ionic cordova platform add ios
    $ ionic cordova build ios
Run using XCode

####Use device token printed in console for push notifications using below server code

Push Notifications Preview in lock screen and while using App

Server Code

Push Notifications Server code :tada::+1: It has server code used to send Push Notification to iOS and Android device.

File Structure of App

|-- src/
|    |-- app/
|    |    ├── app.ts
|    |    └── app.module.ts
|    |    └── main.ts
|    |
|    |-- pages/                          * Contains all of our pages
│    │    ├── details/                   * Push Details tab page
│    │    │    ├── detail.html           * DetailsPage template
│    │    │    └── detail.ts             * DetailsPage code
│    │    │
│    │    ├── home/                      * Home page
│    │    │    ├── home.html             * HomePage template
│    │    │    └── home.ts               * HomePage code
│    │    │
│    │    ├── tabs/                      * Tabs page
│    │    │    ├── tabs.html             * TabsPage template
│    │    │    └── tabs.ts               * TabsPage code
│    │    │
│    ├── theme/                          * App theme files
|    |     ├── variables.scss            * App Shared Sass Variables
|    |
|    |-- index.html
|    |-- manifest.json
|    |-- service-worker.js
├── .editorconfig                        * Defines coding styles between editors
├── .gitignore                           * Example git ignore file
├── LICENSE                              * MIT License
├── README.md                            * This file
├── config.xml                           * Cordova configuration file
├── ionic.config.json                    * Ionic configuration file
├── package.json                         * Defines our JavaScript dependencies
├── tsconfig.json                        * Defines the root files and the compiler options
├── tslint.json                          * Defines the rules for the TypeScript linter