

<p align="center"> <a href="https://agentlabs.dev"><img src="./.readme/agentlabs-banner.jpg" alt="agentlabs.dev"></a> </p> <p align="center"> <em>.</em> </p> <p align=center> Open-source universal frontend for your AI Agents that you can control with a realtime bidirectional streaming SDK from your backend. </p> <p align="center"> AgentLabs allows you to ship your AI Agents to public users in a snap by providing an Authentication Portal, a neat Chat Frontend interface as well as the Analytics and Payment features you need. </p> <p align=center> Focus on your AI Agent backend, we handle the rest for you. </p> <p align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/License-Apache 2.0-blue.svg" alt="License version"> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Status-Under Active Development-orange.svg" alt="Docker Image CI"> </a> </p> <p align="center"> . </p> <h3 align="center"> šŸŒŸ Give us some love by starring this repository! šŸŒŸ </h3> <p align="center"> . </p>

AgentLabs - Open-Source Universal AI Agent Frontend

AgentLabs is <b>fully open-sourced (Apache 2.0)</b> and AgentLabs Inc. offers cloud hosting and dedicated enterprise grade support.

How it works

<p align="center"> <a href="https://agentlabs.dev"><img src="./.readme/how-it-works.jpg" alt="agentlabs.dev"></a> </p>

Getting Started

šŸŒŸ Try the Alpha Cloud Version to get started quickly.

šŸŒŸ Check our Documentation to learn more about our SDK and find out how to get started with AgentLabs.

Note: more documentation about self-hosting will be added soon, although we recommend using the cloud version for now.

Dead simple SDKs

<p align="center"> <a href="https://agentlabs.dev"><img src="./.readme/python-sdk-example.jpeg" alt="agentlabs.dev"></a> </p>

Alpha Release is Live!

The Alpha release is live! We're still actively developing the project so expect many things to change and improve.

Backofficeāœ…ļø<ul><li>Manage your projects</li><li>Configure basic auth methods for users</li><li>Manage agents</li><li>Manage your users</li></ul>
Agent UIāœ…<ul><li>Authentication / Registration</li><li>Basic multi-agent support</li><li>Chat-based UI</li><li>Realtime request/response streaming</li></ul>
SDKsāœ…<ul><li>Python Streaming backend SDK</li><li>Typescript Streaming backend SDK</li></ul>
Cloud hostingāœ…ļøBasic support for cloud hosted version
Self hostingāœ…ļøSelf hosted version with docker-compose.
Basic docs with examplesāœ…ļøEverything will be documented so you can get started either with the cloud version or the self hosted version.


We're constantly improving the project, feel free to open an issue if you have any suggestions or feedback.

Make it embeddableāœ…ļøļø<ul><li>Embed in any website as an iFrame</li><li>Embed as a Chat Bot</li></ul>
Move login into the chatāœ…ļø<ul><li>Add support for anonymous mode</li><li>Integrate the login inside the chat for a better UX experience with embedded mode.</li></ul>
Add Rich componentsāœ…ļøļø<ul><li>Ability to send some interactif component into the chat (like text inputs, charts, or more).</li></ul>
Improve SDKšŸ—ļø<ul><li>List the conversations</li><li>Get user's information and more...</li></ul>
<p align="center"> . </p> <h3 align="center"> šŸŒŸ Give us some love by starring this repository! šŸŒŸ </h3> <p align="center"> . </p>