I created these files as a way to better understand bitwise operators and practical use When developers are challenged by memory limitation or have high speed requirement as for embedded systems (FR : systemes embarques) like drones, bitwise operators come in handy.
- 1.0 Introduction to <a href ="">Bitwises operators.</a>
- 1.1 Learn how to <a href ="">print (display) bits.</a>
- 1.2 Learn how to <a href ="">reverse a byte.</a>
- 1.3 Check if <a href ="">a number is power of 2 or not.</a>
- 1.4 Learn how to use bitwise operators to <a href ="">save memory when parsing.</a>
- 1.5 Learn <a href ="">how to clear all bits.</a>
- 1.6 Check <a href ="">the binary gap within a positive integer N is any maximal sequence of consecutive zeros that is surrounded by ones at both ends in the binary representation of N.</a>
- 1.7 Learn <a href ="">how use bit shifts and bit mask to align the size of a given number.</a>
Reverse bits inside Byte(s)
There are many ways to reverse bits depending on what you mean the "simplest way".
Reverse by Rotation
Probably the most logical, consists in rotating the byte while applying a mask on the first bit (n & 1)
unsigned char reverse_bits(unsigned char b)
unsigned char r = 0;
unsigned byte_len = 8;
while (byte_len--) {
r = (r << 1) | (b & 1);
b >>= 1;
return r;
As the length of an unsigner char is 1 byte, which is equal to 8 bits, it means we will scan each bit
while (byte_len--)
We first check if b as a bit on the extreme right with
(b & 1)
; if so we set bit 1 on r with|
and move it just 1 bit to the left by multiplying r by 2 with(r << 1)
Then we divide our unsigned char b by 2 with
b >>=1
to erase the bit located at the extreme right of variable b. As a reminder, b >>= 1; is equivalent to b /= 2;
Reverse in One Line
This solution is attributed to Rich Schroeppel in the Programming Hacks section
unsigned char reverse_bits3(unsigned char b)
return (b * 0x0202020202ULL & 0x010884422010ULL) % 0x3ff;
The multiply operation (b * 0x0202020202ULL) creates five separate copies of the 8-bit byte pattern to fan-out into a 64-bit value.
The AND operation (& 0x010884422010ULL) selects the bits that are in the correct (reversed) positions, relative to each 10-bit groups of bits.
Together the multiply and the AND operations copy the bits from the original byte so they each appear in only one of the 10-bit sets. The reversed positions of the bits from the original byte coincide with their relative positions within any 10-bit set.
The last step (% 0x3ff), which involves modulus division by 2^10 - 1 has the effect of merging together each set of 10 bits (from positions 0-9, 10-19, 20-29, ...) in the 64-bit value. They do not overlap, so the addition steps underlying the modulus division behave like OR operations.
Divide and Conquer Solution
unsigned char reverse(unsigned char b) {
b = (b & 0xF0) >> 4 | (b & 0x0F) << 4;
b = (b & 0xCC) >> 2 | (b & 0x33) << 2;
b = (b & 0xAA) >> 1 | (b & 0x55) << 1;
return b;
This is the most upvoted answer and despite some explanations, I think that for most people it feels difficult to visualize whats 0xF0, 0xCC, 0xAA, 0x0F, 0x33 and 0x55 truly means.
It does not take advantage of '0b' which is a GCC extension and is included since the C++14 standard, release in December 2014, so a while after this answer dating from April 2010
Integer constants can be written as binary constants, consisting of a sequence of ‘0’ and ‘1’ digits, prefixed by ‘0b’ or ‘0B’. This is particularly useful in environments that operate a lot on the bit level (like microcontrollers).
Please check below code snippets to remember and understand even better this solution where we move half by half:
unsigned char reverse(unsigned char b) {
b = (b & 0b11110000) >> 4 | (b & 0b00001111) << 4;
b = (b & 0b11001100) >> 2 | (b & 0b00110011) << 2;
b = (b & 0b10101010) >> 1 | (b & 0b01010101) << 1;
return b;
NB: The >> 4
is because there are 8 bits in 1 byte, which is an unsigned char so we want to take the other half, and so on.
We could easily apply this solution to 4 bytes with only two additional lines and following the same logic. Since both mask complement each other we can even use ~ in order to switch bits and saving some ink:
uint32_t reverse_integer_bits(uint32_t b) {
uint32_t mask = 0b11111111111111110000000000000000;
b = (b & mask) >> 16 | (b & ~mask) << 16;
mask = 0b11111111000000001111111100000000;
b = (b & mask) >> 8 | (b & ~mask) << 8;
mask = 0b11110000111100001111000011110000;
b = (b & mask) >> 4 | (b & ~mask) << 4;
mask = 0b11001100110011001100110011001100;
b = (b & mask) >> 2 | (b & ~mask) << 2;
mask = 0b10101010101010101010101010101010;
b = (b & mask) >> 1 | (b & ~mask) << 1;
return b;
[C++ Only] Reverse Any Unsigned ! (Template)
The above logic can be summarized with a loop that would work on any type of unsigned:
template <class T>
T reverse_bits(T n) {
short bits = sizeof(n) * 8;
T mask = ~T(0); // equivalent to uint32_t mask = 0b11111111111111111111111111111111;
while (bits >>= 1) {
mask ^= mask << (bits); // will convert mask to 0b00000000000000001111111111111111;
n = (n & ~mask) >> bits | (n & mask) << bits; // divide and conquer
return n;
Try it yourself with inclusion of above function:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
template <class T>
void print_binary(T n)
{ T mask = 1ULL << ((sizeof(n) * 8) - 1); // will set the most significant bit
for(; mask != 0; mask >>= 1) putchar('0' | !!(n & mask));
int main() {
uint32_t n = 12;
n = reverse_bits(n);
unsigned char c = 'a';
c = reverse_bits(c);
uint16_t s = 12;
s = reverse_bits(s);
uint64_t l = 12;
l = reverse_bits(l);
return 0;
Bonus, Assembly code, refer to 1.9
mov cx, 8 ; we will reverse the 8 bits contained in one byte
loop: ; while loop
ror di ; rotate `di` (containing value of the first argument of callee function) to the Right in a non-destructive manner
adc ax, ax ; shift `ax` left and add the carry, the carry is equal to 1 if one bit was rotated from 0b1 to MSB from previous operation
dec cx ; Decrement cx
jnz short loop ; Jump if cx register Not equal to Zero else end loop and return ax
Contact & contribute
To contact me and helping me to (fix bugs || improve) 42-Bitwises_Operators, feel free to e-mail me at angavrel at student dot 42 dot fr