

License: AGPL v3

Freesound Uploader

A JUCE based plugin and audio application for uploading sounds to Freesound.org without opening a web browser, which can be ran as a plugin in a Digital Audio Workstation.


To use this application, the user should execute it either as a standalone application or as a plugin in a Digital Audio Workstation. Then, the following steps should be performed:

The user interface of this application is shown below for easy referencing.

Freesound Uploader UI

More information on the supported files and how to fill the name, tags and descritption of sounds can be accessed here: https://freesound.org/help/faq/


In order to install Freesound Uploader, the JUCE framework should be downloaded, installed and setup. A tutorial on how to do this is available in https://docs.juce.com/master/tutorial_new_projucer_project.html Firstly, the "Getting Started" section should be performed. Then, the FreesoundUploader.juce file should be opened with the projucer. Before building it you should edit the file FreesoundUploader/Source/FreesoundKeys.h, request a Freesound API key and add it to that file. The final step is setting up the desired plugin export formats in the Projucer project settings and, finally you should open this project on the desired Juce exporter and build the solution. In case a VST2 build of the plugin is desired, a VST2 SDK should be provided and linked in the Projucer global paths.

In order to use this application, a Freesound.org account is needed. One can be created in https://freesound.org/home/register/


António Ramires aframires@gmail.com