

PhotoFlow Build Status

The aim of the project is to provide a fully non-destructive photo retouching program with a complete workflow including RAW image development.

Here is the general feature (whish)list:

You can follow the development of photoflow and learn about its usage in the dedicated blog: http://photoflowblog.blogspot.fr/

Development builds

Daily snapshots of the development branch are available from the continuous release web page. Linux packages are provided in AppImage format, while OSX and Windows 64-bit packages are provided in the form of portable bundles.

Windows and OSX installers

Up-to-date Windows and OSX installers are available from the releases web page.

Installing from PPA (Ubuntu Linux and derivate distributions)

There are up-to-date packages available for Ubuntu 14.04/14.10 and Mint 17/17.1 in two diferent PPAs:

To add the PPA and install photoflow, do the following:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:dhor/myway
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install photoflow

or to install the daily git builds from the "stable" branch:

    sudo apt-get install photoflow-git

Arch Linux packages

Pre-compiled packages are available from the releases web page. To install a given version, download the photoflow-git-x.x.x-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz archive (where x.x.x must be replaced with the version to be installed) and then run

    sudo packman -U photoflow-git-x.x.x-1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz

To compile from sources, download the PKGBUILD file and run this command in the download directory:

    makepkg -i

Fedora packages

User Oleastre is providing up-to-date VIPS and PhotoFlow packages for Fedora.

To install PhotoFlow, just execute the following commands as root:

    dnf copr enable oleastre/PhotoFlow
    dnf install photoflow

Additional details can be found here: https://copr.fedoraproject.org/coprs/oleastre/PhotoFlow/

Downloading and compiling

Photoflow can be compiled under both gtk 2.x and gtk 3.x.

The pixel rendering engine of PhotoFlow is based on VIPS (http://www.vips.ecs.soton.ac.uk). You have to install a recent version of VIPS in order to compile PhotoFlow.

Once VIPS is set up and running, follow these steps to download and compile PhotoFlow:

  1. get master branch from GitHub:

     $ git clone https://github.com/aferrero2707/PhotoFlow.git
  2. The build system is based on CMake, so you have to have it installed in your system. You need the following dependencies to build Photoflow: gettext, glib-2.x, libxml-2.0, pkg-config, swig, gtk-doc-tools, automake, gobject-introspection, gnu make, cmake, libtiff, libjpeg, libfftw3, exiv2, lensfun and gtkmm-2.x or gtkmm-3.x. PhotoFlow provides an helper script to simplify the building process; in order to use it you have to go into the "build" subdirectory and run the "build.sh" script:

     $ cd PhotoFlow/build
     $ bash ./build.sh

    If you have installed VIPS in an unusual place, you can edit the build script and set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable accordingly

    To compile the code in debug mode, use

     $ bash ./build.sh debug


    If you do not already have a very recent version of VIPS installed in your system, a second helper script is provided which will download, configure and compile libvips for you, and link it against photoflow:

     $ cd PhotoFlow/build
     $ bash ./build_all.sh
  3. If all goes well, you can now open an image file with PhotoFlow:

     $ ./Release/bin/photoflow image_file_name