

WFFM Conversion Tool

The WFFM Conversion Tool is a console application that provides an automated solution to convert and migrate Sitecore Web Forms For Marketers (WFFM) forms items and their data to Sitecore Forms.

The tool provides the ability to analyze the source items in the source Sitecore instance, before executing the actual conversion and migration of items to the destination Sitecore instance.

The tool offers the users the choice to migrate saved WFFM forms data from a SQL database or from a MongoDB database source to the destination Sitecore Experience Forms SQL database.

Starting from release 1.3.0, the tool migrates WFFM File Upload form field files (stored in the Media Library) to the new FileStorage table in the Experience Forms SQL database (introduced with Sitecore 9.3 Initial Release version).

NEW - Starting from release 1.4.0, the tool migrates WFFM Send Email save actions to the new out-of-the-box Sitecore Forms Send Email submit action (introduced with Sitecore 10.1 version).

Sitecore Compatibility

The tool has been designed to support the migration of sitecore items from any version of Sitecore to Sitecore 9.1 or later version. The tool has been tested migrating WFFM forms items and data starting from Sitecore version 6.5.

The following compatibility table lists the correct version of the tool that should be used based on the version of the destination Sitecore instance:

Destination Sitecore VersionWFFM Conversion Tool Version
Sitecore 9.1.x<br>Sitecore 9.2v1.2.2download
Sitecore 9.3v1.3.4download
Sitecore 10.0.xv1.4.0download
Sitecore 10.1v1.5.0download
Sitecore 10.2+v1.6.0download

Technical Requirements



How to Install the Tool

The tool is distributed in a ZIP archive. Refer to the tool compatibility table above to download the correct version of the tool based on the destination Sitecore version.

The tool can be installed in any server or local machine that has access to the databases involved in the conversion and migration process. The tool doesn't require the source and destination Sitecore instances to run in IIS while the conversion process occurs, because the tool connects directly to the Sitecore databases, without using Sitecore APIs or other Sitecore modules.

Installation Steps

  1. Download the correct release of the tool. Refer to the tool compatibility table above to download the correct version of the tool based on the destination Sitecore version.
  2. Extract the ZIP archive in a folder on the machine where the tool will be executed.
  3. Assign read-write permissions to the folder and its subitems for the user that will execute the tool.

How to Configure the Tool

The tool needs to be configured before using it. The following steps describe the configuration options.

  1. Open the WFFM.ConversionTool.exe.config file and populate the following connection strings:

    • SourceMasterDb - The connection string to the source Sitecore Master database.
    • DestMasterDb - The connection string to the destination Sitecore Master database.
    • SitecoreForms - The connection string to the destination Sitecore Experience Forms database.
    • WFFM - The connection string to the source Sitecore WFFM database (if applicable).
    • mongodb_analytics - The connection string to the source Sitecore Analytics MongoDB database (if applicable)

    NOTE: Only one between the WFFM and the mongodb_analytics connection string is required, and it depends on the type of data source used in the source Sitecore instance to save WFFM forms data.

  2. Open the AppSettings.json file and modify the following settings, if needed:

    • formsDataProvider - This setting is used to configure the data provider used to read the stored forms data to migrate. Available values:
      • sqlFormsDataProvider - Used to select the SQL Sitecore WFFM database source (default value).
      • analyticsFormsDataProvider - Used to select the MongoDB Analytics database source.
    • invalidItemNameChars - This settings is used to configure the list of invalid characters to be excluded when creating a new item's name.
    • enableReferencedItemCheck - This setting is used to enable or disable the check existence of a referenced item in any form fields value. When enabled, the tool will not populate fields that refers an item that doesn't exist in the destination Sitecore master database.
    • analysis_ExcludeBaseStandardFields - This setting is used to exclude base standard fields of Sitecore items from the list of fields that are reported about in the conversion analysis report output. The exclusion of the base standard fields from the analysis reporting process doesn't exclude them from the conversion process.
    • includeOnlyFormIds - This setting is used to select a subset of source forms to convert, specifying an array of source form IDs. This selection applies to both forms items conversion process and forms data migration process.
    • excludeFormIds - This setting is used to exclude a subset of source forms from the conversion process, specifying an array of source form IDs. This selection applies to both forms items conversion process and forms data migration process.

How to Use the Tool

The tool should be executed in a Command Prompt window application in order to control its input parameters and visualize the execution progress.

In the context of a Sitecore upgrade project, if all Sitecore content items have already been migrated to the destination Sitecore master database (for example using the Sitecore Express Migration tool), then the WFFM forms content items should be deleted from the destination Sitecore instance before running the WFFM Conversion Tool.

  1. Launch a Command Prompt window application.
  2. Browse to the root folder where the tool has been extracted to.
  3. The tool is executed running the WFFM.ConversionTool.exe executable file. Available options are:
    • WFFM.ConversionTool.exe (no input parameters) - Use this option to execute a dry run of the forms item conversion process, without writing any data in the destination databases. The conversion analysis report will be generated and stored in the Analysis folder.
    • WFFM.ConversionTool.exe help or WFFM.ConversionTool.exe ? - Use this option to get a list of available input parameters.
    • WFFM.ConversionTool.exe -convert - Use this option to execute the conversion and migration of both forms items and their stored data to the destination databases.
    • WFFM.ConversionTool.exe -convert -nodata - Use this option to execute the conversion and migration of forms items only. Stored forms data will not be converted and migrated.
    • WFFM.ConversionTool.exe -convert -onlydata - Use this option to execute the conversion and migration of forms data only. Only data of forms previously converted and migrated on the destination instance will be converted and migrated by this process. Data of forms which items don't exist on the destination instance will not be converted and migrated.
  4. After the tool execution is finished successfully, if the destination Sitecore instance was running in IIS while the tool was executed, recycle the app pool of the destination Sitecore web application to clear the Sitecore Items cache.
  5. Once you login in the destination Sitecore instance, the migrated forms will not be listed in the Forms section (accessible from the Sitecore Desktop) until the sitecore_master_index index is rebuilt. Use the Indexing Manager in the Sitecore Control Panel to rebuild it.

NOTE: The conversion analysis report is always generated, independently if it is a dry run or a real conversion being executed.

Conversion Behaviors

The tool enforces some specific behaviors during the conversion process, following best practices. Some of them are:

Metadata Configuration

The tool uses mapping configuration rules for each destination form item entity (form, fields, buttons, text,...) to control the conversion of form items and their fields. These mapping rules are defined and stored in Metadata Template files in JSON format, all stored under the Metadata folder. All Metadata Template files are validated using the metadata-schema.json file stored in the Schemas folder.

Metadata Template objects can inherit some properties from other metadata files, avoiding the repetition of mapping rules across multiple Metadata Template objects. The base metadata file that doesn't inherit from any other metadata file is the baseTemplate.json metadata file.

Metadata Properties

The valid properties available in the Metadata Template files are the following:

Analysis Conversion Report

WFFM form items and Sitecore Forms items are very different and even if the tool is capable of converting most of the entites, there are some item fields that cannot be converted and migrated. The analysis conversion report is a report in CSV format generated by the tool, that lists the Sitecore item fields that the tool cannot convert, because they are not mapped or not supported.

The analysis convertion report contains the following columns for each record:

WFFM Conversion Tool Extensions

The v1.1.0 release of the WFFM Conversion Tool introduces the availability of the WFFM Conversion Tool Extensions, a group of plugins that add support for the conversion of WFFM forms items that don't exist in the Sitecore Forms out-of-the-box solution, but that are extended using popular Sitecore modules available on the Sitecore Marketplace.

The WFFM Conversion Tool Extensions plugins are available in the Extensions folder in the tool root folder. Each extension plugin has its own subfolder that contains the plugin files and a readme_<module_name>.txt file that describes step-by-step instructions to install each plugin.

Sitecore Forms Extensions

The extension plugin for the Sitecore Forms Extensions module developed by Bart Verdonck adds the support for the conversion of the following two form field types:

NOTE: The data of the File Upload field is converted and migrated using the storage format of the File System storage provider (FileSystemFileUploadStorageProvider class).

Sitecore Forms Send Email Submit Action (only for Sitecore 10.0 or prior - removed in latest version for SC 10.1+)

The extension plugin for the Sitecore Forms Send Email Submit Action module developed by Byron Calisto adds the support for the conversion of the Send Email submit action for destination Sitecore versions prior to Sitecore 10.1.

How to Expand the WFFM Conversion Tool to Convert Custom Entities

Some of the items or fields that cannot be mapped could be custom items created to expand the out-of-the-box functionality of the Sitecore WFFM module. For example, custom entities could be custom form field types or custom save actions. To help developers to automate the conversion and migration of custom entities, the tool allows to expand its default mapping capabilities, as described in the next three sections.

How to Map a Custom Form Field Type

Any metadata .json file stored under the Metadata folder is parsed and validated by the tool when its execution starts. A custom form field type will requires its own Metadata Template file to describe its conversion fields mappings.

Usually custom field types are customization of a default WFFM form field type. The customization adds additional parameters in the Parameters field or in the Localized Parameters field of the form field item. An easy way to create a new metadata file for the custom form field is copying the metadata file of the default WFFM form field type that the custom form field is based on and modifying its properties.

The baseTemplateMetadataFileName property should contain the name of the metadata file of the inherited default WFFM form field type.

A useful online resource to validate the content of a metadata file is the JSON Schema Validator. The JSON schema of the metadata file is included in the tool Schemas folder and also available here.

How to Customize the Conversion of a Field Value

The fieldConverter property of convertedField mapping objects in metadata files allows to specify the name of a converter to process the source value of a field. Converters are defined in the AppSettings.json configuration file in the converters property. This property is an array of converter objects that have the following properties:

The tool allows the loading of converter types defined in external libraries at runtime. The converter class needs to be created inheriting the BaseFieldConverted class defined in the WFFM.ConversionTool.Library.dll (that should be referenced in the custom class library project), and overriding the ConvertValue method. This method takes a string as input and return a string. The base method just returns the input, without applying any conversion.

The new custom converter will need to be added in the list of converters in the AppSettings.json configuration file. Its library dll file should be copied in the libs folder of the tool.

How to Map a Custom Submit Action

Custom submit actions can be defined and mapped in the AppSettings.json file in the submitActions property. This property contains an array of submitAction objects, that have the following properties:

The custom field converter should be created as described in the previous section, overriding the ConvertValue method defined in the inherited BaseFieldConverted class.

Bugs and Feature Requests

Please open new Issue here to report any bug that you might encounter in the execution of the tool or to suggest a modification or a new feature for the tool.

Thank you!