


The broccoli-sass plugin compiles .scss and .sass files with Dart Sass or LibSass.

This is a fork of broccoli-sass that includes support for more options and provides (partial) support for source maps by embedding the content of the SASS source files in the source map using sourcesContent.

Be aware that the paths in the generated source map not correct, but this module does what I need until the underlying issue is resolved.


npm install --save-dev broccoli-sass-source-maps sass


var compileSass = require('broccoli-sass-source-maps')(require('sass'));

var outputTree = compileSass(inputTrees, inputFile, outputFile, options);

Note that when using Dart Sass, synchronous compilation is twice as fast as asynchronous compilation by default, due to the overhead of asynchronous callbacks. To avoid this overhead, you can use the fibers package to call asynchronous importers from the synchronous code path. To enable this, pass the Fiber class to the fiber option:

var compileSass = require('broccoli-sass-source-maps')(require('sass'));
var Fiber = require('fibers');

var outputTree = compileSass(inputTrees, inputFile, outputFile, {fiber: Fiber});


var appCss = compileSass(['styles', 'vendor'], 'myapp/app.scss', 'assets/app.css');

Choosing the version of Sass

You must specify which version of Dart Sass or [Node Sass][] to use by passing it as a parameter to the module. Add either sass (for Dart Sass) or node-sass to your package.json and then provide that version as a parameter to the module:

// Uses Dart Sass.
var compileSass = require('broccoli-sass-source-maps')(require('sass'));

// Uses Node Sass.
var compileSass = require('broccoli-sass-source-maps')(require('node-sass'));