TodoMVC (server) implementation written in Scala using Vert.x
Temporary setup
Build vertx-lang-scala-stack
locally so that you can add vertx-web-scala
as a dependency
Read the TODO
comments to have an idea of what I'm missing, or simply what I am not experimented enough to code properly
Test the app using The todo backend spec checker (unit tests to come)
Original README
#Getting vertx-lang-scala
The current version in master is deployed as SNAPSHOTS in a sonatype repo (which is the default one configured fir this build)
#Get the vertx-modules
There is a separate project for generating other vertx-modules (vertx-web, vertx-auth, ...). It's currently untested but most modules should work. If you want to try them out clone and build: Vert.x Scala Lang Stack
#Work with this project
Create a runnable fat-jar
sbt assembly
play around in sbt
> console
scala> vertx.deployVerticle(classOf[DemoVerticle].getName)
scala> vertx.deploymentIDs
From here you can freely interact with the Vertx-API inside the sbt-scala-shell.