

Feed aggregator using Vert.x 3 and Vertx-web.

StackShare Travis

This project is designed to show what a real-life application can look like with Vert.x.

It's a simple feed agregator.

Every user can subscribe to some feeds (RSS, ...), then Vert.x will periodically read these feeds and store news (and notify connected clients).

Users and their subscriptions user are store in MongoDB. Feed entries (RSS news article for example) are stored in Redis.

How it works :

Simple use-case :

Feed API :

Schema :

                 |                          |                                                   
                 |  Verticle (= broker)     |                                                   
                 |                          |                                                   
                 |                          |                                                   
                 |                          |                                                   
                 |fetch items / subscription|                                                   
                 | +-------------------+    |                                                   
                 | |                   |    |                                                   
list subscriptions |                   | populate items in Redis                                
 +-----------------+----------+ +------+--------------------+                                   
 |                            | |                           |                                   
 |          MongoDB           | |           Redis           |                                   
 |                            | |                           |                                   
 |                            | |                           |                                   
 | Stores :                   | | Stores :                  |                                   
 | - Users                    | | - Items per feed          |                                   
 | - Their subscriptions      | |                           |                                   
 | - A collection of feeds    | |                           |                                   
 |                            | |                           |                                   
 +-----------------^----------+ +----^----------------------+                                   
 login / create user / subscribe     | poll periodically for each connected user -> push updates
                |  Web verticle (API + Sockets)   |                                             
                |                                 |                                             
                | - serves pages                  |                                             
                | | login users                   |                                             
                | | serves items through API      |                                             
                | - real-time updates (sockjs)    |                                             
                |                                 |                                             
                |                                 |                                             
                |                                 |                                             

What it illustrates

The goal of this project is to be informative for every user who wants to see what Vert.x is able to do.

You'll find :

For now, the project is here for you to read its code, not at all for production use.

If you want to run it on your local machine, from the root of the project, type in ./gradlew run from the command-line. If you want to run it from your IDE, you have to create a "Run configuration" involving io.vertx.core.Starter as main-class with the following arguments : run io.vertx.examples.feeds.verticles.MainVerticle. This way you can easily debug the source code.

Then you can point your browser at : http://localhost:9000/index.hbs and you should see the home page.

Redis and Mongo are embedded in the application so that you don't need to install them locally.


The project is completely free. You can fork the project, use it for your own purpose if you want to.

Feel free to open issues, or ask questions on Vert.x Google Group if you have any.

Feel free to highlight source code that you don't understand or would have written in a different way, I'd be happy to discuss and even more happy if you're right and point me at a more elegant way to write the application's source code.

Obviously, you can submit a Pull Request if you're pretty sure something would be better if written differently, or that a key feature of Vert.x is missing and you'd like it to be illustrated in this example (but keep in mind this project should be kept simple, it's already a bit complicated to dive in).

Thanks anyway for any kind of contribution you could submit, it's greatly appreciated. :)