

Mapbox GL Minimap Control

npm (scoped)


Demo on GitHub pages

--- work in progress; overall performance can probably be improved ---

How to use it

var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
  container: "map",
  style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8",
  center: [-73.94656812952897, 40.72912351406106],
  zoom: 7

map.on("style.load", function () {
  // Possible position values are 'bottom-left', 'bottom-right', 'top-left', 'top-right'
  map.addControl(new mapboxgl.Minimap(), 'top-right');


  id: "mapboxgl-minimap",
  width: "320px",
  height: "180px",
  style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8",
  center: [0, 0],
  zoom: 6,

  // should be a function; will be bound to Minimap
  zoomAdjust: null,

  // if parent map zoom >= 18 and minimap zoom >= 14, set minimap zoom to 16
  zoomLevels: [
    [18, 14, 16],
    [16, 12, 14],
    [14, 10, 12],
    [12, 8, 10],
    [10, 6, 8]

  lineColor: "#08F",
  lineWidth: 1,
  lineOpacity: 1,

  fillColor: "#F80",
  fillOpacity: 0.25,

  dragPan: false,
  scrollZoom: false,
  boxZoom: false,
  dragRotate: false,
  keyboard: false,
  doubleClickZoom: false,
  touchZoomRotate: false


The latest version should be compatible with maboxgl 0.54.0