

Selenoid UI

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UNMAINTAINED. Consider https://aerokube.com/moon/latest as alternative.

Simple status page with UI updates by SSE, backed by constant polling of status handle of selenoid on small go backend.



We distribute UI as a lightweight Docker container. To run it type:

$ docker run -d --name selenoid-ui  \
    --link selenoid                 \
    -p 8080:8080                    \
    aerokube/selenoid-ui --selenoid-uri=http://selenoid:4444

where --link selenoid links with running container named selenoid with selenoid inside

Then access the UI on port 8080:


The following flags are supported:

Features, Screenshots and Complete Guide

Can be found at http://aerokube.com/selenoid-ui/latest/

Usage note

This UI is designed for debug purposes for one selenoid node. If you need monitoring capabilities on more than one selenoid, consider to use external monitoring system