


This is a monorepo for the @tsmirror npm organisation's packages.

The goal of this organisation is to explore the possibilities of full reflection in typescript.

Why ?

Typescript alread has some support for metadata reflection at https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/decorators.html#metadata but :

  1. It is tightly linked to decorators, preventing its usage with a free floating function
  2. It serialize Typescript's types in a way that loose a lot of information (everything is Object)

This package instead emits as much information as possible in a serializable format.

Main package

import { reflect, ReflectType } from '@tsmirror/reflect';

interface MyInterface {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  age: number;

const myInterfaceType: ReflectType = reflect<MyInterface>();
/* {
    kind: "interface",
    name: 'MyInterface',
    members: [
        { name: "id", type: { kind: "string" } },
        { name: "name", type: { kind: "string" } },
        { name: "age", type: { kind: "number" } },
} */
import { reflecting, ReflectType } from '@tsmirror/reflect';

const _logType = (rtype: ReflectType) => (arg: any) => console.log(arg, 'has type', rtype)
const logType = reflecting(_logType) // logType: Reflecting<(arg: any) => void>

/* {id: '1', name: 'hello', age: 42} has type {
    kind: "interface",
    name: 'MyInterface',
    members: [...] } */

Other packages

There is also some other packages wich use the ReflectType object for various purposes.

@tsmirror/di a Dependency Injection container

import { injectable, singleton, resolve } from '@tsmirror/di'

singleton((): Config => readConfigFromFile())
injectable(function(c: Config): MyInterface {
    return buildInterface(c))
resolve(function(m: MyInterface): void {

@tsmirror/fuzzer a basic fuzzer

import { reflected } from "@tsmirror/reflect"
import fuzzer from "@tsmirror/fuzzer"
import assert from "assert"

fuzzer((x: string, y: number, z: string) => {
  assert([x, y, z].concat("") === x + y + z, "Unexpected Array.concat behaviour")

@tsmirror/graphql a basic graphql generator

import { reflected } from '@tsmirror/reflect'
import { graphql } from '@tsmirror/graphql'

interface Jedi {
    master: Jedi,
    name: string | null,
    fullyTrained: boolean

const {client, schema} = graphql({
    Query: {
        jedis: (limit = 50): Jedi[] => limit > 10 ? []:[]
    Mutation: {
        createJedi: (j: Jedi) => j

input JediInput{
  master: JediInput
  name: String
  fullyTrained: Boolean
type Jedi{
  master: Jedi
  name: String
  fullyTrained: Boolean
type Mutation{
  createJedi(j: JediInput): Jedi
type Query{
  jedis(limit: Float = 50): [Jedi!]
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation